Friday, December 30, 2016

A Look At How Transnistria Could Further Strain U.S. - Russia Relations In 2017

Washington Examiner: The obscure Eastern European country that could further roil US-Russia relations in 2017

An obscure, controversial Eastern European country that houses Russian troops is a wild card in U.S.-Russia relations entering 2017, observers say.

Russia's military presence inside the self-declared republic of Transnistria has sparked regional fears. Some fear the troops will threaten neighboring Ukraine if they remain; others worry about a vacuum of vulnerability if they withdraw. These concerns come just as hostilities flare in Ukraine's beleaguered eastern region — on the opposite end of that nation from Transnistria — during what is supposed to be a holiday cease-fire.

"It's a zone of instability that could erupt at any time," said Mihai Popsoi, a Moldovan political analyst who spoke to the American Media Institute from Milan. "It's right there at the border of NATO. The West definitely should be concerned."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Moldova is one of the most corrupt countries in Europe .... one of the many reasons on why the people who live in Transnistria love their independence and have no interest in joining with Moldova. And as much as Moldova, Ukraine, and much of Europe want this little Republic to go away, the people who live there have no interest to accommodate them. My prediction .... nothing is going to change in 2017.


  1. Moldova is a huge European problem.

    Corruption helps breed poverty, which makes it easy to prey on women.

    A lot of the human sex trafficking starts in Moldova.

    The U.S. government talks a good game, but what has the State Department done?

    Has Kerry laid down the law? On second though it is better that Kerry does not give them a tongue lashing. It would not have the opposite effect.

    I wonder, which bundler gets Moldova?

  2. Many Moldavian women work also as housemaid and aid for elders outside the country. I know many from all East Europe.

    NATO want Moldova to end his neutrality, in order to include that country in the alliance. Because Moldova is in the middle of a main military route and supply line in case of war. So the importance of Transnistria and Moldova for Russia: a defence-control system among two potential enemies.

  3. YC,
    You are correct and so is Aizino.
