Friday, December 30, 2016

Russian President Putin: We Will Expel No One In Response To U.S. Expulsions And Sanctions

Russian President Vladimir Putin © Aleksey Nikolskyi / Sputnik

RT: Putin: Russia will not expel anyone in response to US sanctions

The Russian president has rejected a suggestion of the foreign ministry to expel 35 American diplomats in response to a similar move by the US. He said Obama’s act was designed to provoke a reaction, but Russia would not take the bait.

“We reserve the right to retaliate, but we will not sink to the level of this irresponsible ‘kitchen’ diplomacy. We will take further moves on restoring Russian-American relations based on the policies that the administration of President-elect Donald Trump adopts,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a statement published by the Kremlin website.

Read more ....

Update: Putin decides not to expel US diplomats from Russia (TASS)

WNU Editor: I am surprised by this .... especially after reading this earlier report .... Russian FM proposes expulsion of 35 US diplomats in sanctions tit-for-tat (RT). This is a first .... normally when one country expels your diplomats .... you expel an equal number of theirs. This is a clear signal from Moscow to President-Elect Trump that Russia is also ready "to move on", and that the focus is to forget about the outgoing Obama administration and to focus on the future.

Update #2: Russian president Putin is making it clear that he will keep his options open, and he will be examining President-Elect Trump's policies when he assumes the Presidency .... Russia's Putin says he won't expel US diplomats (DW).


  1. U r a clever man Putin but u got another thing comeing

  2. Russian/US cooperation on the world stage is necessary for a stable world. The obama admin knows this and is acting like a child that didn't get his way and has decided to set fire to his parents house.

    This is classic leftist ideology on display, and like communism, it fails pathetically and absolutely every time.

  3. and so, brave Anon, the president should simply allow a foreign govt to hack into our elections and just smile benignly? If Obama did nothing, you would, doubtless, say he lacked guts. Want a stable world? then nations have to contribute to it and not interfere in elections etc.

  4. lol fred. are you saying that the US should then be punished for all of the elections we've interfered with?

    I'm not exactly a fan of Putin, but IF Russia did contribute to the document dump that exposed the corruption of the Democratic party the deserve to be commended. I only wish they would have done the same to the Republican party.

  5. I agree aaa, exposing corruption is always a good thing and when a particular side (in this case the dems and obamas drones) wants to cover up and shift blame on a country for their own corruption and then on top of that, set up known road blocks for an incoming administration to have to deal with, this of course in addition to the leftist drone media as well as the president attempting to defame and discredit a trump election that was won fairly according to well established rules. At which point u have Michelle Moore and Mr. Rachel maddow types openly insinuating and justifying violence and opposition to an incoming trump admin.

  6. Obama administration act like spoiled children who do not want to admit they have lost. Right wing hysteria for communists has become corrupted left hysteria for Russia.

    On the reverse Putin statement is more mature and "communist" (for certain aspects).

  7. And putin still waiting for proof, brsides it was the basket of deplorables comment thst did the damage
