Friday, December 30, 2016

Edward Snowden's Leaked Documents Reveals What The NSA Knew About Earlier Russian Hacking

The Intercept: Top-Secret Snowden Document Reveals What the NSA Knew About Previous Russian Hacking

TO DATE, THE only public evidence that the Russian government was responsible for hacks of the DNC and key Democratic figures has been circumstantial and far short of conclusive, courtesy of private research firms with a financial stake in such claims. Multiple federal agencies now claim certainty about the Kremlin connection, but they have yet to make public the basis for their beliefs.

Now, a never-before-published top-secret document provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden suggests the NSA has a way of collecting evidence of Russian hacks, because the agency tracked a similar hack before in the case of a prominent Russian journalist, who was also a U.S. citizen.

Read more ....

Update #1: Snowden doc shows NSA blamed Russia for hack of murdered journalist: report (The Hill).
Update #2: The scary reason the NSA knows when Russia hacks the US, without any doubt (BGR)

WNU Editor: If this report is true .... it tells me that the NSA can trace all hackers around the world if they wanted to.


  1. So, now a "document" is presented on the feasibility of Russian hacking that was originally obtained by a whistleblower/defector/double agent (who is in Russia) and is claimed to be evidence of a specific crime committed by Russia. So now the Russians are releasing evidence that they are the culprits in an alleged hack of DNC emails which do give specific evidence of DNC rigging of their own primary process.
    Not bad, get the alleged criminal to allegedly confess to an alleged crime.
    All in all, those that defend this and those who have originated this affair show a fascinating grasp of the intelligence world.

  2. Hilarious reading morons talk about "hacking" and "cyber warfare"....blind cavemen attempting to make cinnamon rolls out of plastic.

  3. WNU,
    "Not bad, get the alleged criminal to allegedly confess to an alleged crime."
    It's something like this that would make the "Grand Inquisitor" proud.
    Wait that was written by Dostoyevsky and he was a .........Russian!
    Damn, WNU you Russian scamps are incredibly clever and devious. To think you guys have been working on this since the late 1880's, now that's impressive.
