Friday, December 30, 2016

White House On The Defensive As More Evidence Indicates That They Are Responsible For Last Week's Anti-Israel UN Action

Samantha Power, center, the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, votes to abstain during a U.N. Security Council vote on condemning Israel’s settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, Friday, Dec. 23, 2016 at United Nations Headquarters. (Manuel Elias/The United Nations via AP)

Washington Free Beacon: White House On Defense After Being Exposed as Architect of Anti-Israel U.N. Action

White House denies it worked to ensure the anti-Israel measure won approval

Senior Obama administration officials are scrambling to provide explanations after multiple reports, including in the Washington Free Beacon, identified the White House as being a chief architect of a recent United Nations resolution condemning the state of Israel, according to conversations with multiple former and current U.S. officials.

On the heels of the hotly contested resolution, which condemned Israel for building homes in its capital, Jerusalem, senior Obama administration officials, including Secretary of State John Kerry and Vice President Joe Biden, have been identified as leading the charge to ensure the anti-Israel measure won approval by the U.N. Security Council.

The administration’s denials of this charge broke down during the past several days as multiple reporters confirmed the Obama administration worked behind-the-scenes to help shape and forward the resolution.

Read more ....

Previous Post: Leaked Document Claims To Show U.S. Collusion With The Palestinians On The UN's Settlement Vote (December 28, 2016).

WNU Editor: These contradictions tell me that the communication discipline of the White House is breaking down .... they cannot get their stories straight and it is becoming embarrassing. Most lame duck administrations tend to coast in the last few months of their term .... one cannot say that about the Obama administration. But this push to influence U.S. policy as they are leaving out the door is going to backfire on them .... as it is now happening with their decision to abstain on last week's UN vote on Israel, and their explanations on why they did so.

WNU Editor: Many Democrats are unhappy .... Will John Kerry’s Israel Speech Tear the Democrats Apart? (Betsy Woodruff, Daily Beast)


  1. It looks like the Obama Administration had a hand in the drafting of the the document. It stands to reason that they would if they intended to abstain on principal. I agree with their abstention and am also a big supporter of Israel. They need to come to a reasonable agreement with their neighbors that is equitable and strong. Creating more housing and settlements is the opposite. Like moving our embassy to Jerusalem!
    It is true that Netanyahu does not want an equitable solution. That time has passed.

    1. How can you come to an agreement with someone who doesn't want you to exist and wants you annihilated you from the earth?

  2. You are correct anon about annhilation, there is no other word to describe the true desires of the Arab nations and their pawn Palestine.

    When terrorists rejoice in response to any actions taken by the UN or leftists obama admin it should be a wake up call to the world as to what is really going on.

  3. Even many in Israel do not want to recognize the existence of Palestine.

    They act aggressively, knowing that they have the knife in the haft side.

    For now.

    I wonder if they know that the wind may change, or if they continue to steal land exactly for this motivation, to make Israel more big.
