Sunday, December 25, 2016

Is Kissinger The Right Person To Broker A Deal Between Russia And The West?

Vladimir Putin and former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. © ITAR-TASS/Alexandra Mudrats

Politico: Kissinger, a longtime Putin confidant, sidles up to Trump

America's pre-eminent ex-diplomat gets back in the mix. Could he help broker a deal with Russia?

Back in the 1990s, Henry Kissinger, the legendary former U.S. secretary of state-turned-global consultant, encountered an intriguing young Russian and proceeded to ask him a litany of questions about his background.

“I worked in intelligence,” Vladimir Putin finally told him, according to “First Person,” a 2000 autobiography cobbled together from hours of interviews with the then-unfamiliar Russian leader. To which Kissinger replied: “All decent people got their start in intelligence. I did, too.”

As Putin climbed the ranks in the Kremlin, eventually becoming the autocratic president he is today, he and Kissinger kept up a warm rapport even as the United States and Russia grew further apart. Kissinger is one of the few Americans to meet frequently with Putin, one former U.S. ambassador recently recalled -- along with movie star Steven Seagal and ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson, the likely next secretary of state.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Kissinger and Putin are close .... but if a deal is going to be done, U.S. Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson will be the man who will broker it.


Jay Farquharson said...


"The fall of Saigon isn’t the only tragedy associated with the end of the war: January 27th could have been the 48th anniversary of peace, if it hadn’t been for the ambition of two behind-the-scenes manipulators. During the delicate negotiations for peace in the summer of 1968, then-Special Advisor to the President Henry Kissinger and presidential candidate Richard Nixon worked together, using classified information and covert communications channels, to undermine and frustrate President Johnson’s efforts to end the war—all for temporary political gain."

Anonymous said...

Kissinger deserves to go before several war crimes tribunals for the atrocities he was a part of. Also, he is not able to travel freely in some countries because he is wanted for questioning on these very issues.
But I give him credit, he has staying power.

Unknown said...

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