Friday, December 30, 2016

Pentagon Admits Mosul Hospital Airstrike May Have Killed Civilians

© REUTERS/ Khalid al Mousily

The Independent: US military admits Mosul hospital airstrike may have killed civilians

The Pentagon said a coalition airstrike struck Isis fighters

The US military has said coalition forces may have killed a number of civilians after striking a van in a hospital compound in Mosul while targeting Isis fighters.

In a statement, the Pentagon said that a coalition airstrike hit a vehicle believed to be carrying Isis fighters.

“The van was struck in what was later determined to be a hospital compound parking lot resulting in possible civilian casualties,” it said, citing the Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve.

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More News On Reports That A U.S. Airstrike May Have Killed Civilians At A Mosul Hospital

‘US-led coalition may have killed civilians in Mosul’ -- AFP
US military says Mosul airstrike may have killed civilians at hospital -- The Guardian
US-led coalition: Airstrike in Mosul might have killed civilians -- Stars and Stripes
Possible civilian casualties in Mosul air strike: Pentagon -- Reuters
US Admits Civilians May be Dead After Targeting Daesh Near Mosul Hospital -- Sputnik


  1. So... where is the restoftheworld condemnation for those brutal attacks?

  2. So YC, the great military leader and company commander, would leave a hospital building alone no matter how many artillery spotters, snipers, or HQ people are in it.

    Don't forget that they would use it as a secure supply dump.

    Mosques were used as ammo dumps and fighting positions by Al Qaeda others after 2003

    Look at the fighting positions that get blown up at 2:25

    If it occurred to a fiction author and was done by Hollywood more than a few people have the idea of using hospitals and religious building as fighting positions. YC is not among those people, because he is not swift or he is an extremely partisan hack.

    "One sniper had used the fourth story of the Ramadi General Hospital to kill a number of Marines before he was counter-sniped"

    "At the beginning of July the American forces managed to push deep enough in to the city to reach the Ramadi General Hospital, which was captured by the 3rd Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment on July 5. The Marines reported that members of al-Qaida in Iraq had been using the seven-story building, which was equipped with some 250 beds, to treat their wounded and fire on U.S. troops in the area. They said wounded Iraqi police officers who had been taken to the hospital were later found beheaded. Though there was no resistance during the operation, the Marines found about a dozen triggering devices for roadside bombs hidden above the tiled ceiling of one office. They knocked down dozens of locked doors and searched medicine chests and storage closets for additional weapons. Hospitals are considered off-limits in traditional warfare. In western Ramadi, however, insurgents have fired on Marines from the rooftop of a women and children's hospital so often that patients were moved to a wing with fewer exposed windows"

    "They want the Mahdi Army out of the mosque"

    Don't worry YC. The more you try to influence public opinion and slow things down, the more likely what is happening in France and Germany will happen in your neighborhood.

    It could not happen to a nicer person.

    1. YC's comment is contrasting all the fake sympathy, false outrage and faux concern in the MSM for Russia and Syria bombing the jihadi head choppers in Aleppo,

      VS the Coeltion bombing the Jihadi's in Monsul.

      We know now that Aleppo had only 110,000 civillans, over 73,000 elected to go to Government held refuge, and that Aleppo is filled with mass graves of Syrian soldiers and civillians executed by the jihadi's, hundreds of thousands of tons of food and medicine withheld from the civilian population and thousands of tons of weapons and ammo.

  3. YC's comment is contrasting all the fake sympathy, false outrage and faux concern in the MSM for Russia and Syria bombing the jihadi head choppers in Aleppo,

    No, this exactly what YC posted

    "Young Communist said...

    So... where is the restoftheworld condemnation for those brutal attacks?

    YC was being a typical Leftist. Blame America 1st, 2nd, ... & last.

    A person like that would judge 12 dead civilians in hospital filled with 100 ISIS a worse attack than say a bombing in Aleppo that reverses the ratio.

    I don't know what Russia is doing. I do know what YC is doing. I also know he is being a sanctimonius dick with no skin in the game.

    If ISIS is operating like AlQaeda a decade ago, there were probably no civilians in that hospital. Yet YC is hopping from foot to foot like he has to urgently urinate.

    Al Qaeda murdered Iraqi police men in hospital beds in Ramadi. If ISIS followed AL Qaeda protocol there were no civilians at the hospital except maybe be used as human shields.

  4. LMAO,

    You are going to really need to uprate your sarcasm/satire/snark detector.
