Saturday, December 24, 2016

President-Elect Trump Pits Defense Contractor Boeing Against Lockheed Martin

New York Times: Trump Pits Boeing Against Lockheed to Cut Costs of New Fighter Jets

President-elect Donald J. Trump’s latest missive on military spending suggests that Boeing has perhaps swayed him more than its rival Lockheed Martin. Now, he is preparing to pit one off the other to try to decrease the cost of new fighter jets, military analysts said on Thursday.

Mr. Trump’s post on Twitter on Thursday afternoon said that based on the “tremendous cost and cost overruns” on Lockheed’s new F-35 strike fighter jet, he had asked Boeing to give him the price for a “comparable” version of its older F-18 Super Hornet.

His post came a day after he had met with the two companies’ chiefs in Florida. It indicated he was receptive to Boeing’s longtime pitch that the Navy should buy more of its F-18s over Lockheed’s F-35s for aircraft carriers.

Military analysts said Mr. Trump’s post also sharply raised the pressure on Lockheed to lower the cost of the F-35 program, which is projected to cost $400 billion for 2,400 planes for the Air Force, the Marines and the Navy.

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WNU Editor: I have to see this to believe it .... Lockheed CEO tells Trump she will work to drive down cost of F-35 (Reuters). Lockheed's political supporters are coming on board .... Dems to Trump: F-35 substitute a 'total nonstarter' (The Hill).

More News On President-Elect Trump Pitting Defense Contractor Boeing Against Lockheed Martin

Trump Says He Asked Boeing to Price a Competitor to Lockheed's F-35 -- Bloomberg
Trump plays hardball with defense contractors, pits Boeing against Lockheed Martin -- Washington Times
Trump asks Boeing to price-out 'comparable' F-18 Super Hornet to Lockheed's F-35 -- FOX News
Lockheed F-35 fighter project in doubt after Trump tweet encourages rival Boeing -- The Guardian/Reuters
Trump puts pressure on Lockheed Martin over cost of F-35 -- Financial Times
Trump asks Boeing for F/A-18 pitch, citing ‘tremendous’ cost overruns of Lockheed Martin F-35 -- Seattle Times
Trump drops Twitter bomb on Lockheed Martin's F-35 fighter jet -- Politico
‘Tremendous cost!’ $379bn F-35 project in doubt as Trump asks to ‘price-out’ cheaper F-18s -- RT
Trump’s Push to Cut Jet Costs Hits a Nerve, but His Demands Face Limitations -- NYT
You can't replace the F-35 with an F-18 any more than you can replace an aircraft carrier with a cruiser ship -- Popular Science
Donald Trump's Dream Fighter Plane Is Just That: There is no "comparable" F-18 to the F-35. -- Popular Mechanics
Exactly how Trump can end the F35 and save $15 billion or more per year for 30-50 years while improving US military capability -- Next Big Future
Donald Trump Thinks He Can Beat the F-35: It’ll take more than a tweet to cut, let alone kill, the program -- Joseph Trevithick, War Is Boring


Anonymous said...

Another topic that even the least knowledgeable among us know.that there is no comparison or proximity between the to airplanes, systems and stealth abilities.
He would do well to study more and seek advice that has clear knowledge on a topic.

B.Poster said...

I think I predicted the F-35 program would be scrapped. The only questiin was when and not if. The plane is ineffective and it costs to much. Given America's current dire financial situation, this program simply cannot be continued.

When it is discontinued, the men and women working on this program need to be allowed to retire with dignity. It's the least we can do for them.

Even if the plane were effective and not cost prohibitive, it doesn't make sense for our national defense needs. The main threeats to America are 1.)an all nuclear attack by Russia. When combined with cyber attacks, America's aging nuclear arsenal, the poor training, and low morale of the people respobsible for it an American response is problematic at best. 2.) An Islamic terrorist attack involving the use of "dirty bombs" and probably suitcase nuclear weapons detonated simultaneously accross multipke metropolitan areas. 3.) An invasion of the US mainland by Russia, China, both Russia and China, or them and some combination of their allies.

These are the scenarios the US and it's leaders need to orepare for. The F-35 simply has no place or use here even it were effective and did not cost to much. As such, I fully expect the F-35 program to be among the first things that the incoming Administration eliminates.

Turfy77 said...

B. POSTER, you have no idea what your talking about, go away

Turfy77 said...

B. POSTER, you have no idea what your talking about, go away

B.Poster said...


Actually I know quite a bit about what I'm talking about here. The editor of this website has done a great chronicling the failures and the prohibitive cost of the F-35 program. Very respectfully it helps to actually read the posts.

In the business world the potential benefits of a project, it's costs, and how well it fits in with the overall goals of the organization and/or the department are carefully analyzed. Failure to do this will result in the death of the business. As a person who has a buisness background, DJT understands this.

The F-35 program costs to much, is not effective, and does not serve our defense needs well and even if it was effective and served our defense needs it's unaffordable. Hence the program is going to be killed. The only question is when.

When it is finally killed, pushback should be expected. In other words media pundits who have gendrally been critical of the program will suddenly become staunch advocates!! After all DJT must be opposed no matter what.

Very respectfully the reason we read the links, read the comments of others, and pist our comnents is to bave serious dialogue on serious subjects and try and learn. If you are unable to do this, you need to "go away."

fazman said...

Id agree with trump, stealth is unproven, f35 cant dog fight, has a poor payload, and is way to expensive.

fazman said...

Land invasion of the u.s, suitcase nukes, someones been bunge watching red dawn and Tom Clancy movies with a big swig of xmas cognac for good measure.

fazman said...

Land invasion of the u.s, suitcase nukes, someones been bunge watching red dawn and Tom Clancy movies with a big swig of xmas cognac for good measure.

B.Poster said...


Actually in contradt to what you suggest someone is erll in tune with reality and very respectfully that soneone is not you. As I understand it, you are an Australian. As such, it seems unlikely you xan possibly understand America's situation.

As for movies, I'm genefally not interstested. With a few exceptions serious peolke don't waste time on such things.

With that said I did see the new Red Dawn a few years ago. The movie is unrealistic. The idea that a Marine on leave is going to take a few teenage friends and mold them into a capable fighting force in short order capable of confronting the type of invasion discussed in the movie is unrealustic.

Some just cannot grasp reality no matter what. The problem varies from person to person as to why they have trouble. Such people generally are not teachabe. In tbe case of most, I suspect it is ideology that short circuits their ability to learn.

In any event, I'm cautiously optimistic that we may FINALLY getting a POTUS who undefstands reality or at least is teachable. The operative words are cautiously optimistic as we've suffered horrible leadership for so long that optimism is probably not warranted and I'm under no delusions.

B.Poster said...


We fully agree on tbe F-35. Not only is the concept flawed and unworkable but it is sucking valuable resources that very much need to be utilized in ways that actually enhance American national sdcurity and advance American interests.

When confronted with failure, some have trouble making adjustments. I suspect human pride plays a role in this. Tbis is partly why once the program is eliminated the men and women involved need to be allowed a dignified retirement.