Monday, December 26, 2016

Russian President Putin Talks About The 1917 Revolution

© Sputnik/ Alexey Filippov

Sputnik: Necessary to Work Toward Reconciliation When Recalling 1917 Revolution - Putin

Ahead of the centennial of the 1917 revolutionary events in Russia it is important to move toward reconciliation rather than enlarging the gap in society when recalling the revolution, President Vladimir Putin said Friday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – In 1917, Russia witnessed two revolutions, in February and in October. By the end of the year the imperial rule in the state was over and the first Soviet government was established.

"In the conditions when we now recall the 1917 events and when we will mark next year the centennial of the revolutionary events … we must work toward reconciliation, convergence, not division," Putin said at the annual press conference.

Read more ....

WNU Editor:  He knows that even though it happened 100 years ago .... the 1917 Revolution still hits a raw nerve for almost every Russian .... hence the reason why he is very careful on what he says when he talks bout it.


  1. ओबामा ने बढ़ाया भारत का रुतबा, पाक के कतरे पर

  2. The 1917 and subsequent revolutions, were not as simple as "general history" would present.

    You could run a 4 year history course on the complexity.

    That's one of the key differences between Putin and many of the leaders in the West.

    He get's complexity.

  3. MIster Putin forget that because of that 1917 revolution million of people have bleed !

    1. LMAO,

      The 1917 Revolution was a product of WWI, in which there were 38 million casualties, thank the Germans and AustroHungarians for that,

      Lead to the Russian Civil War, which lasted until 1923, ( 1934 in some areas) with an other 4 million casualties,

      Despite attempts by 12 nations to intervene to support "their side", 21 different "factions".
