Friday, December 23, 2016

U.S. Refuses To Veto U.N. Security Council Vote That Condemns Israeli Settlements

New York Times: U.S. Abstains as U.N. Security Council Votes to Condemn Israeli Settlements

UNITED NATIONS — Defying extraordinary pressure from President-elect Donald J. Trump and furious lobbying by Israel, the Obama administration on Friday allowed the United Nations Security Council to adopt a resolution that condemned Israeli settlement construction.

The administration’s decision not to veto the measure broke a longstanding American policy of serving as Israel’s sturdiest diplomatic shield at the United Nations.

While the measure will have no practical impact on the ground, it was regarded as a major rebuff to Israel that could increase its isolation over the paralyzed peace process with the Palestinians, who have sought to establish their own state on territory held by Israel.

Applause broke out in the 15-member Security Council’s chambers following the vote on the measure, which passed 14-0, with the United States abstaining.

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More News On The U.S. Refusing To Veto A U.N. Security Council Vote Condemning Israeli Settlements

UN condemns Israeli settlements as Obama declines to veto -- AP
U.N. Security Council demands end to Israeli settlements, U.S. abstains -- Reuters
US rebukes Israel and allows UN condemnation of settlements -- AP
Israeli settlements: UN Security Council calls for an end -- BBC
U.N. Censures Israeli Settlement Expansion as U.S. Declines to Block -- WSJ
U.S. abstains on U.N. vote condemning Israeli settlements -- USA Today
US abstains in key Israel vote, clearing way for condemnation of settlements -- FOX News
US abstains as UN demands end to Israeli settlements -- CNN
UN Security Council passes resolution demanding end to Israeli settlements -- DW
US rebukes Israel and allows UN condemnation of settlements -- ABC News Online
UN passes resolution on ending Israeli settlements -- Al Jazeera
Dem senators back Trump on UN Israel veto -- The Hill

Update: President-Elect Trump's response .... Trump warns UN after Israel vote: 'Things will be different' soon (The Hill).


Jac said...

In its last 30 days Obama has enough time to make a lot of damage. He already did a lot theses last days.

fred said...

Just what damage, specifically. the UN has long been anti-Israel--so many of its members are Arab nations--and Israel has learned that it must often go its own way. The US vetos anti-Israel stuff, but, in this instance it did not veto but simply abstained. Israel perhaps needs to take the rebuff from the UN to realize that there is much opposition to building settlements in the West Bank. The Palestinians need to realize that settlements can be stopped by coming to an agreement with Israel and defining a state of their own. Meanwhile, Trump threatening the UN that things will change is certainly not a way to suggest we will be a cooperative body in the UN but rather we will assert what Trump has in mind, a warning to the collection of nations, the friends and foes alike.

B.Poster said...

Malaysia, Senegal, New Zealand, and Venezuela, talk about neddling in something that they neither understand nor concerns them. Venezuela, don't thry have HUGE economic problems right now? It eould seem imprudent for them to waste time and energy on something they don't understand nor concerns them. The same generally aps to the other nations involved.

In order to solve this conflict, the first step is going to need to be to cut all aid to the Palestinians or at the very least make the aid they receive highly conditional like what Israel receives from everyone including the United States. Once this aid is cut off or at least highly conditiinal like what Israel receives, the parties will be on a more equal footing. As long as the Palestinians enjoy such huge advantages over Israel there's no incentive for tgem to negotiate in good faith for a settlement.

Unknown said...

Just what we need.

An ambassador wearing a low cut blouse to prove she is beautiful, when actually she is wrinkly & dried out looking not to mention a malformed face.

Samantha Power is the woman that gave us the Libya disaster.

Samantha and what army?

Oh yeah the American army full of other people's sons and daughters. The Democrats not so much. Certainly when Samantha's kid grows up they won't do a stint.

Can we send her back to Ireland or won't they take her?

Bobs a dopey commenter said...

Haha, see they lady sitting behind her, wipe her nose with her hand then rub the snot for 30 seconds haha

B.Poster said...


Pretty soon Ms. Power will be gone from us hopefully forever. Those like her are like cancer. Even when gone those infected by her/cancer are in remission they often live in abject terror "will it/them come back." Hopefully and prayerfully the cancer of these people will NEVER return once they are fully eliminated.

Anonymous said...


Hamilcar Barca said...

Actually i am in agreement with Obama plan about this , i was time that someone put the foot down and say enough is enough ,palestinians have their right to be there too, maybe even more at least they were there before the Europeans hebrews come on their territories to colonize and claim that they are the descendant of ancient Jews !

Unknown said...

The Jews from Europe can genetically prove they are Jews.

You also have many Yemeni Jews in Israel.

Where will you put them Hamilcar?

Unknown said...

I guess Thorin & Company should have been shot on sight in Laketown as soon they said they wanted to reclaim their home.

Will the Arabs return Khaybar?

Will the Arabs return the Jewish portion of Medina?

Do you wish you were at Khaybar and got your pick of the women?

Unknown said...

Who woulda thought?!

Hamilcar Barca said...

Aizino Smith of course they are , they are related to everyone , evan planet Mars ! Dude my girlfriend chiwawa has more original genetics in him than so called today Jews !

fred said...

If European Jews have no right to be in the Middle East, then what right have Arabs to be in Europe, Canada, and the US? That said: there have always been Jews in the land known as Israel. Fact: there was no nation in that region till the UN allowed for two states to be from British Mandate.
Now, one does not have to like policy etc but the stupid personal remarks about Powers etc are classless

Unknown said...

"For populations of the Jewish diaspora, the genetic composition of Ashkenazi, Sephardi, and Mizrahi Jewish populations show a predominant amount of shared Middle Eastern ancestry. "

Unknown said...

Powers is a carpetbagger.

She is an academic white tower type to boot

Then she married into the Democtat nomenklatura.

There is nothing to like about the woman.

Unknown said...

"The nomenklatura forming a de facto elite of public powers in the previous eastern block, may be compared to the western establishment [4] holding or controlling both private and public powers (media, finance, trade, industry, state and institutions…"

Yup, the media is part of the nomenclatura.