Friday, December 16, 2016

Will President Trump Continue The Fight Against The Islamic State In Iraq And Syria?

IBTimes: Will the US continue the fight against Isis in Iraq and Syria under Donald Trump?

It's only 'logical' says outgoing Defense Secretary Ash Carter as he sought to reassure American-led coalition

It only makes sense for the US to continue to pursue the fight against the so-called Islamic State under President-elect Donald Trump, said outgoing Secretary of Defence Ash Carter on Thursday.

"I can't speak for the next administration," Carter reminded reporters during a joint press conference with UK Minister of Defence Michael Fallon in London. However, "it's logical, it makes sense and therefore I expect that logic will recommend itself to the future leadership of the United States," he said, "as it has recommended itself to the current leadership."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The rules of engagement are probably going to change .... but will President-elect Trump deploy more U.S. troops and resources to the war .... and with a new strategy .... rhetoric aside we have not really seen or heard much from "Trump Tower" on this issue so far.


B.Poster said...

Mr. Trump say "we need to rebuild our badly depleted military." Ash Carter boasts about the United States military being the strongest in world history.

Mr. Trump is 100% correct on this. Mr. Carter is 100% wrong. Why Mr. Carter would make such ridiculous statements can only be known to him and his boss the POTUS. Is Ash a complete idiot? Has he been blinded by ideology? Does he have a sinister agenda to hurt America?

These questions may be unanswerable today. Future historians may need to tackle this one. In any event, I'm not really worried about answering this. My main concern is the way forward. It does clearly seem in the best interests of everyone if the current Administration to be gone from us FOREVER!!

The "most powerful military in world history" would be hard pressed to defeat a mid level power like Iran even if Iran had no outside assistance which is unlikely in of itself. As such, defeating a major military like Russia or China is pretty much out of the question. (The Red Sea could part but basing foreign policy on such things would generally be unwise.) The military personnel who are on active duty and their commanding officers who know the truth about the situation CANNOT enjoy watching the current Sec of Defense undermining them, making a fool of himself, and by extension America.

As I've pointed out here and elsewhere the main threats to America are 1.)an all out nuclear atfack by Russia. Our aging arsenal combined with Russian cyber attacks may make our response problematic, 2.)an Islamic terrorist attack involving the use of "dirty bombs" and probably suitcase nuclear weapons detonated simultaneously accross multiple metropolitan areas, and 3)an invasion of the US mainland by Russia, China, and/or them and some combination of their allies.

With this in mind one can determine how best to continue the fight against ISIS and other Islamic terrorists. For example, should we carry on in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan and how should we do it.

Also, US military spending will most definitely have to decrease but as I've pointed out before how much a country spends on it's military, while not entirely unimportant, is the least important stat when comoaring nations and their military capabilities. This stat should NOT be given the emphasis it currectly receives.

Bob Huntley said...

Ash Isn't an idiot. You can see the concern in his face. His job is to project positivity.

Unknown said...

"Ash Isn't an idiot. You can see the concern in his face. His job is to project positivity."

It is also to carry water.

B.Poster said...


I think you're right. For reasons I've chronicled here and elsewhere numeerous times, at least through main stream sources the people have never been told the true nature of the threats we face. Hence we end up "leaders" who spiut Pollyannish ridiculousness.


I agree. As a water carrier, he is a yes man. Such people are contemptible. In the business world, such people are a net liability. As a person with a business background, I fully anticipate Mr. Trump will hold such people in utter contempt.