Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Asylum Seekers From The U.S.Are Pouring Into Canada

Reports that the Olympic stadium is being used to house asylum seekers come as figures compiled by the Canadian Border Services Agency indicate Quebec has become Canada's main entry point for refugees entering this country. PIERRE OBENDRAUF / MONTREAL GAZETTE

Montreal Gazette: 'We're close to the limit': Big O becomes a shelter as refugees flow from U.S.

An “increasing wave” of Haitian refugee claimants forced officials to open a temporary shelter in the Olympic Stadium Wednesday while scrambling to keep up with a demand they fear isn’t showing any signs of slowing down.

The first busload of asylum seekers arrived at the stadium early Wednesday morning. About 150 beds had been set-up over the weekend.

Francine Dupuis, who oversees PRAIDA, a government-funded program to help seekers get on their feet in Quebec, said the number of refugee claimants in recent months is unprecedented.

Following a recent wave of Syrian refugees, most of them are now Haitians fleeing the United States for fear their temporary resident status in that country will be revoked. Hoping to find comfort in Montreal’s deeply-rooted Haitian community, they’re crossing the border into Quebec.

“It’s unheard of,” Dupuis said. “In 30 years, I’ve never seen this kind of volume or intensity.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The media is blaming President Trump for this surge .... but this flow of migrants/asylum seekers is nothing new. In 2007 human smugglers were transporting Haitians from Florida to Windsor (Ontario) with the promise that once they crossed into Canada, they would be entitled to social and welfare benefits that were not available in the U.S. .... Refugees overwhelm Ontario border city's services (CTV). Flash forward to today .... local reporters are hearing the same stories .... people being bussed to the border and told to cross and claim refugee status. I predicted this a few months ago .... and guess what .... now that the word is out, Canada better get ready because hundreds of thousands are probably wondering if there is a better life for them in Canada rather than the U.S.. As to what will happen next .... Prime Minister Trudeau favours an open border policy, but this flood of asylum seekers is now making his base (i.e. French Quebecers in the province of Quebec .... and the reason why he is Canada's Prime Minister) .... very uneasy. My prediction .... if this flow escalates .... Canadian politicians and the media will blame President Trump, but the Canadian government will clamp down on these asylum seekers by simply deporting them back to the U.S..

More News On Asylum Seekers From The U.S. Pouring Into Canada

Montreal’s Olympic Stadium to be used as shelter for asylum seekers -- Globe and Mail
Olympic Stadium turned shelter for asylum seekers -- CTV
Canada asylum seekers housed at Montreal's Olympic Stadium -- Daily Mail/AP
Montreal's Olympic Stadium used to house surge in asylum seekers from U.S. -- CBC


Anonymous said...

Nice to know that not only us in Sweden have crazy politicians.

TWN said...

Canadians in general are really racist we just hide it, but Quebeckers are the biggest racist with in Canada.

Unknown said...

It has been proposed that the poor be housed in the spare bedrooms of homeowners to save the government money, house the poor and come up with a fiscally feasible policy.

I say liberals should lead the way and open up their homes.

Anonymous said...

Blame Gavin...

fred said...

Mr smith
Who proposed that?

Unknown said...


Just like the law professor, who floated the trial balloon of the government not granting a marriage unless it was interracial to "stop" racism.

I can find the article about the proposal in Great Britain

It was also proposed here circa 2006.

Since Connecticut is so close to the Bronx, I recommend that those city dwellers get some good country air or at least some suburban air and breath free.

You do have a spare bedroom or 3 since your kids grew up?

Jay Farquharson said...

"Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

China's offered to buy the statue for it's copper alone.

Unknown said...

So Jay is a Georgist.

So why does not dear Jay share out the income form his shop equally with everyone?

there are plenty of poor people in Vancouver. I've been there. I've seen them.

Jay is a poser that talks the talk, but does not walk the walk.

My spouse has lived full, blown Communism. Funny but after that they chose capitalism.

Funnier is that Jay prefers a pastel shade of communism. He refuses to share his wealth equally.

Jay Farquharson said...


I make the same hourly wage, and benifits as my top workers,

Full medical, $4800 a year cosmetic, full dental, full opthamology, $6800 Health and wellness, full daycare and kindergarden, company fleet, mostly hybrids, more and more full electrics,

In addition, I only own 51% of my companies, the workers own the rest,


Jac said...

Why aren't we talking about the roots of the problem?
Are we responsible of the miseries this migrants have in their countries? Most of them are fleeing dictatorship, well that's their responsibility to change that in their country. Wanting to live at the expense of an other country is cowardice and a little bit extortion.
I'm myself an immigrant and my level of life is less than the country I come from. I'm accepting that because that's my choice and my responsibility. I shall never try to make an extortion from the country which accept me.

Unknown said...

Not provable from your piss poor website.