Thursday, February 8, 2018

Should The U.S. Military Have A Parade?

The Hill: Mattis dodges on cost of military parade

Defense Secretary James Mattis on Wednesday dodged a question about why the Pentagon should spend time and money planning a military parade requested by President Trump.

Asked during a White House press briefing why the Pentagon would "divert time, energy, financial resources" to fulfill Trump's request for a military parade amid defense budget woes, Mattis responded that the parade request is an example of Trump's "respect" for the military.

“I think what my responsibility is to make certain I lay out the strategy and make the argument for the oversight of Congress to make the determination of fully funding us. As far as the parade goes again, the president’s respect, his fondness for the military, I think is reflected in him asking for these options,” Mattis told reporters.

Read more ....

Update #1: 'Tanks but no tanks!' say critics of Trump's plan for military parade (Reuters)
Update #2: Trump's military parade draws bipartisan rebuke (Politico)

WNU Editor: The Air Force has its air shows. The US Navy has Fleet Week. So why not the Army (and Marines) having a show. But considering the outcry against it .... I guess there are a lot of people out there who do not like parades.


  1. I hope PFC bonesspur's feet are well enough to allow him to attend the parade of shiny things.

    If not he'll have to dodge the parade.

  2. Does not seem to be the time to introduce a new costly spectacle which will no doubt become an annual thing. Now if the people along the parade route watching it were to take a knee that might be something to see.

  3. LOL - Dems will fall into this Trump-trap like all the rest. Now they're threatening to lay down in front of any mil parade. Deliberately perverting ANY patriotic display as fascism. Bravely resisting fascism where there isn't any. Howling about a military parade, calling it Russia-like, or Nork-like. Ending up on the wrong side, opposite regular Americans. Again.

  4. The ONLY "military parades" that many of us in the US have ever seen have been clips of Nazi Germany, USSR, NoKo, Iran... all having military parades. So this is naturally what we have been led to think of at the thought of a military parade. Our military has been cast in a sinister light, by design, by our mainstream media & CIA for decades (see: Operation Mockingbird, perhaps?). Can anyone in the US baby-boomer generation think of any military parade ever being cast in a positive light in the US, either in school, old news reels, books??? I've never actually seen a dedicated military parade in the US (save for USAF Air shows & Navy Fleet week).

  5. A bit of national pride, a chance for the public and vets to pay respects, and it's probably a mighty recruitment tool .
    Have it, and send a message to the despots that we are here, and we are ready.

  6. Thanks for the nonsensical wordsmith attempt, anon. ;)

  7. Russ and Sheerah,

    You have pretty much nailed it. There's little I can add to this.


    Why would you encourage that some to kneel before a military parade? Surely you realize Americans view this as extremely disrespectful. We do not disrespect your country. Obviously you seem to harbor a deep seated hatred of America and Americans. No one would pretend America is on the level of Canada but we are trying to improve. For you to show us the same dignity and respect you would afford others would be most appreciated and is not asking a great deal.

    How should we have a military parade? What I really wanted to say took up more than the allotted 4,086 characters. Trying to express something important in that few characters can be rather taxing.

    I say, yes we should. The morale of the military is extremely low right now. Let's at least give them something to allow them to feel good about themselves. The American people have not had much to feel good about for many long years either. Let's give them something that they can feel good about as well. Let's at least give them something. Let them have their f'ing parade!!

    It costs to much!! What a crock. The cost is nominal when compared to the cost of perpetual deployments in places like South Korea and Poland that do nothing to advance our interests but actual undermine them. The argument that this detracts from the "quite professionalism" of our military forces is a crock as well. What we actually mean by that is people who are "quiet" and quietly take it while our elected leaders ground them to powder in a series of fruitless operations around the world that not only don't advance our interests but actually undermine them.

    Perhaps by giving them a parade we can help their self confidence and they might actually stand up to these abusive civilian leaders and the hacks in the military who lead them. Perhaps this might embolden the American people to stand with them and put a stop to such abuses. Even so one parade or even one every year is not going to make that much difference in that area and these people sacrifice so much. Let them have their parade!! It's not asking much. The costs are minimal and the upside potential benefit of having a morale booster is huge!!

  8. Fazman,

    Well said sir. Actually Russia and China have these. Russia and China have been the most successful countries so far in the 21st century. As such, it makes sense to emulate the most successful where and when possible.

    With that said America has not had the successes in this century that these countries have so it might not make as much sense but it does have the potential to be a huge morale booster for the American people and the military and the cost is minimal relative to this potential upside. Essentially huge upside potential, minimal cost relatively speaking, and no downside risks. Let them have their parade!! Let's give these people and the American people something that might actually boost their spirits!! A people with some much needed self confidence that this can bring will likely go a long way!!

  9. Well Anon here goes.

    "Why would you encourage that some to kneel before a military parade? Surely you realize Americans view this as extremely disrespectful. We do not disrespect your country. Obviously you seem to harbor a deep seated hatred of America and Americans."

    I guess you have missed the reason for the kneeling at the football games. Some Americans might feel such kneeling is disrespectful but many see it as a respectful was of expressing disdain at issues within the country in particular the manner in which blacks are treated. I support that. Kneeling is respectful whereas say turning your back or sitting out the festivities isn't. You might also consider that people who put its citizens at risk around the world for God knows what show serious disrespect for those who went to legitimate wars died, returned as veterans, sometimes crippled. Let them show respect by not creating new vets.

    "No one would pretend America is on the level of Canada but we are trying to improve. For you to show us the same dignity and respect you would afford others would be most appreciated and is not asking a great deal."

    Mirroring the bravado practices of despot regimes is hardly trying to improve. If anything it nothing more than false bravado, sabre waiving directed more at the "enemy" than the population.

    How should we have a military parade? Don't waste the money.

    "The American people have not had much to feel good about for many long years either."

    Such is the price of useless and criminal wars.

    "Perhaps by giving them a parade we can help their self confidence"

    Perhaps there self confidence might improve is fewer to no civilians were killed around the world for no reason. Why do you thing there are so many suicides among veterans of the useless wars. I'll give you a hint, it isn't because they don't have a parade.

    I have great but reducing respect for the American people. Reducing because as a people they have given themselves up to be controlled. They have lost the tradition of their forefathers and let the MIC and government run wild, in their names.

  10. Sorry I didn't proof read my post very well but I think you will get my gist.

  11. Bob,

    Thanks for your reply. I do agree with you that obviously America's foreign policy needs to be reset, however and very respectfully, your analysis is overly simplistic in the sense that it appears to lump all of America's adversaries as "good" and America "bad."

    You also mention incorrectly that African-Americans are currently treated badly. Very respectfully this is not the case. Perhaps years of being pampered and coddled has given some a sense of entitlement. In fact, the only thing preventing reparations and final healing is the race hustlers.

    By allowing these people an annual parade over time their self confidence will increase and they will see the American people standing with them which will build in itself which in time will lead to the kind if change we both desire and as they see the appreciation and support of the American people over time it will reduce suicides among the troops.

    Perhaps this is overly optimistic but there is no downside to the parade and the huge upside potential is there. After all these very few do so much for so many at so little appreciation, western Europeans and South Koreans just to name two examples.

    These people along with Americans should at least be allowed the dignity of a parade. With the huge upside potential, minimal cost, and no downside risk there's no reason nit to unless someone wishes to keep the American people downtrodden and to further sap the morale of our military personnel.
