Thursday, February 8, 2018

Top U.S. Official: Russians Penetrated U.S. Voter Systems

NBC: Russians penetrated U.S. voter systems, says top U.S. official

The U.S. official in charge of protecting American elections from hacking says the Russians successfully penetrated the voter registration rolls of several U.S. states prior to the 2016 presidential election.

In an exclusive interview with NBC News, Jeanette Manfra, the head of cybersecurity at the Department of Homeland Security, said she couldn't talk about classified information publicly, but in 2016, "We saw a targeting of 21 states and an exceptionally small number of them were actually successfully penetrated."

Jeh Johnson, who was DHS secretary during the Russian intrusions, said, "2016 was a wake-up call and now it's incumbent upon states and the Feds to do something about it before our democracy is attacked again."

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WNU Editor:
There is a solution to this debate .... copy what Canada does when it comes to elections. We have a voter registration system where people have ample time to make sure that they are on the list. And on election day .... we all go to the polls with a picture ID (in Canada everyone has a medicare card with our picture on it), and then we use a paper ballot. It is quick .... efficient .... and fair.


  1. WNU,
    Your solution is right. Oh this Jeanette Manfra worked for the Obama administration in various jobs from Homeland Security to National Security Council from approx 2010 to 2016.

  2. So you have the Russians doing this and the GOP gerrymandering the elections....Trump was right on the campaign, the whole system is rigged.

  3. "....copy what Canada does...." For pretty much any issues that the United States has, copying Canada would be a vast improvement over what we currently have. In fact, Americans generally look up to Canadians. We view them like our big brother whom we hope to emulate but do not feel such is possible.

    Unfortunately Americans in general lack basic self confidence. We have been trained to accept things being done to us that others would not accept. As such, we tend to elect narcissists to rule and lord over us. Also, some feel entitled and vote for entitlements. I digress and am getting off topic.

    Some form of voter ID seems like a good idea, however, many in leadership are opposed to that and the courts would likely strike down any national law of this nature. It seems such a common sense move would only cause hardship for the illegal immigrant vote which could adversely affect the electoral prospects of some.

    Now, as stated, "copy what Canada does" is excellent advice for almost any issue that ails the United States. while the countries are different and to "copy what Canada does" will not always be possible but it is an excellent starting point for Americans in trying to solve pretty much any thing problem that needs solving. chances are quite high the Canadian approach is much better than just about anything we currently have.

  4. They are making these accusations without providing the proof. The top foreign policy goal needs to be to end Cold War 2. When making public statements, American officials need to ask themselves the following question, at a minimum. "Do my public statements help or hinder the desired outcome of ending Cold War 2?" If the answer is the statement hinders the goal, they need to refrain from making it in public. If something is particularly egregious, it can be discussed in private with the appropriate Russian official.

    When this is over, at best, we are going to owe the Russian people vast sums for the sanctions unjustly placed on them. We've gotten ourselves into quite a mess here and the problem is only going to get bigger. When on the wrong path, turn around and change course. This is the first step to improvement.


  5. B.Poster, except for their medical care system. As for a photo ID, how would the illegals express themselves at the our polling booths if validated photo ID's were required? Nonetheless I have always felt that we are extraordinarily fortunate to have Canuks as neighbors. You couldn't ask for better. You ought to see them flock to Palms Springs, California in the winter. Those crazies are wearing short sleeve T-shirts and shorts when it's 60 degrees outside!!!
    Concerning the sanctions we imposed on Russia; if I remember my history correctly, one of the greatest monsters in history parading as a human being was a Russian named Stalin. Turn a few pages and note the numbers of Tatars and others "evacuated" from the Ukraine area who were replaced by Russian citizens hence the animosity going on today in eastern Ukraine. Stalin was such a treat the German army was able to recruit Ukrainians during the big one; WWII.


  6. Roger,

    Thank you for the reply. Voter ID might not and probably would not solve everything with illegals voting, however, it would be a step in the right direction. Essentially there is no downside to doing it and plenty of upside unless of course someone wanted to make it more difficult to police our elections.

    I agree generally we could not ask for better neighbors than Canadians. It is indeed a blessing to have them as our neighbors!!

    Now with regards to Stalin, six things that are dead, gone, and never will be back are 1.)the Soviet Union, 2.)communist rule over Russia, 3.)Nazi Germany, 4.)Imperial Japan, 5.)enslavement of African-Americans in America, and 6.)systemic racism directed against African-Americans in the United States.

    As such, it does little good to compare those issues to the ones we face today. While they are dead, gone, and will never return, picking at old wounds can delay the healing process.

    With that said our history toward the American Indians probably bears much similarity to Stalin towards various groups. Perhaps they view us and our founding fathers in a similar fashion to how some view Stalin. I remember a saying about those who live in glass houses and what they should not do. I think it is they should not throw stones!!

    In any event, given today's realities, us getting involved in Ukraine was arguably the stupidest move ever made by a major world power. While I don't think we were involved in the coup, at least I hope not, our decision to support that chump corrupt government without proper vetting to find out just who it was we were supporting reminds of a mentally unbalanced school girl desperately in love with a boy or so she thinks she is. She runs after him and she tries to please him and she just ends up being taken advantage of and her heart ends up broken. At least that is the best thing that can happen in such a situation!! All other outcomes are worse. Nothing useful is achieved. People and nation who are "focused and stable" do not engage in such destructive behaviors.

    In any event, we are going to be held to account for the sanctions and how they have harmed the Russian people. It's going to be far better for us to get off the path now rather than later when the costs are going to be even higher. Again, thank you for the reply.
