Thursday, February 1, 2018

The Pentagon May Ban Personal Cell Phones

CNN: Exclusive: Mattis seeking to ban cell phones from Pentagon

Secretary of Defense James Mattis is actively considering banning US military and civilian personnel from bringing their personal cell phones into the Pentagon, the world's largest office building, according to three US defense officials familiar with an ongoing review of the issue.

The officials told CNN that while the issue is under review and a final decision has not been made, the recent revelations that a fitness tracking app that maps people's exercise habits could pose security risks for US troops has only underscored the need for the review.

The officials added that the review was ordered after Mattis expressed his intent to ban personal cell phones in the Pentagon.

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WNU Editor: This has clearly gotten the Pentagon spooked .... Strava's Fitness Tracking Map Highlights Secret U.S. Military Bases Overseas (January 29, 2018).

More News On The Pentagon Considering A Ban On Personal Cell Phones

Mattis considers cellphone ban at Pentagon -- Defense News
Defense secretary considering ban on personal cell phones at Pentagon -- CNBC
Personal phones could be banned at Pentagon as result of Mattis-ordered review -- Stars and Stripes
Cellphone Ban at Pentagon Possible after Exercise Tracker Disclosures --
Pentagon Reviewing Electronic Device Policy -- Nextgov
Jim Mattis considers banning cellphones at the Pentagon -- Washington Examiner

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