Monday, July 2, 2018

A Second Trump-Kim Meeting In New York City?


Axios: Scoop: Trump may hold Round 2 with Kim Jong-un in NYC

Some administration officials are so optimistic about making progress with North Korea's Kim Jong-un that they hope a Round 2 with President Trump can be held in New York in September, when world leaders pour into Trump's hometown for the U.N. General Assembly.

The big picture: Officials tell us that Kim would have to show progress for the meeting to occur. One possibility would be for Trump to hold out a Round 2 meeting as a carrot to encourage real movement by North Korea over the summer.

Regardless of whether Kim gets another meeting with the leader of the free world just three months after the Singapore summit, the U.S. is giving him more time to begin denuclearizing despite new doubts about North Korea's good faith.

Read more ....

Update: Trump administration officials reportedly want to invite Kim Jong Un to New York City for a second meeting (Business Insider)

WNU Editor: Too early for a second summit, and I doubt that Kim Jong-un is going to travel far away from his country at this moment in time. He has gone on a limb with his commitment to denuclearization, and he is going to stay put in North Korea until these negotiations become more substantial and meaningful. Then again .... he may decide to show up in New York City in September and surprise all of us.


  1. Our leader has told us that he had taken care of nukes and N.K., so nothing to worry about. Then we learn from the liars, aka, MSM that N.K. has in fact hastened their work at nuke sites. Now jolly Kim is to visit the hot spots in NY and chat with our leader, perhaps taking Uber to Koreatown in Long Island, to discuss something or other.
    I am not a negotiator or deal maker but I think it would be more to the point to give pal Kim a listing of what we want and when we want to get what we want...and sign here, or pay the restaurant bill

  2. we havnt givin them billions of dollars yet like bend over barry did to the iranians lol cuz that deal was great haha not. at least if kim trys somthing now we go to war nothing lost and we got our hostages back already its funny to here u leftys talk about bad deals lol

  3. Snark a sure sign of low IQ

    1. its hard to be a lefty these days u guys just cant quit losin. hang in there bud

    2. They even lose in the comment section..

  4. you display yourself in a very bad light
    you must be interning with A. Smith for your summer now that school over

  5. Why bother? In his June 13 tweet the president said North Korea is no longer a threat. On the to the next TV episode.

  6. Hahahaha that was great Just a Carpenter.

    Also, nice IQ comment Fred. Really nice. Very good comment. r/

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