Monday, July 2, 2018

China Wants To Have the Most Powerful Rocket In The World By 2030

China is pouring billions into its military-run space programme, with hopes of having a crewed space station by 2022. (Photo: AFP)

Channel News Asia/AFP: China aims to outstrip NASA with super-powerful rocket

BEIJING: China is working on a super-powerful rocket that would be capable of delivering heavier payloads into low orbit than NASA, a leading Chinese space expert was quoted as saying Monday (Jul 2).

By 2030, the Long March-9 rocket under development will be able to carry 140 tonnes into low-Earth orbit - where TV and earth observation satellites currently fly - said Long Lehao, a senior official from the Chinese Academy of Engineering, according to the official Xinhua news agency.

This compares to the 20 tonnes deliverable by Europe's Ariane 5 rocket or the 64 tonnes by Elon Musk's Falcon Heavy, which in February catapulted one of the US entrepreneur's red Tesla Roadster cars towards Mars.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: China has made no secret that they want to have a top notch space program, and they are pouring the resources and billions in dollars to achieve it. Having a powerful rocket is certainly one of he needed steps that they must accomplish to make this happen.


  1. Musk's BFR will dwarf them, one rocket to rule them all.

  2. The challenge for China is how to steal the BFR blueprints...I'm sure they are working hard at it.

  3. I don’t believe Musk files patents due to IP theft risks and depends upon his own security. Obviously Space X is a major target of China and others. If you’re Musk would you depend upon US government cyber security in the patent office? LOL
