Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Iranian Revolutionary Guard Commander Qasem Soleimani Endorses President Rouhani's Threat To Disrupt Oil Supplies

Iranian President Rouhani and Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander Qasem Soleimani

CNN: Top Iranian commander endorses moderate Rouhani's threat to disrupt oil amid Trump administration pressure

(CNN)The leading Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander on Wednesday offered his nation's moderate President a rare endorsement after Hassan Rouhani called US attempts to block Iranian oil exports "pointless."

Qasem Soleimani, who heads Iran's elite Quds Force and rarely makes public statements, said he would "kiss" Rouhani's hand after the President hinted Tuesday at threats to disrupt regional oil exports.

"Your valuable statement that said there will be no guarantees for oil exports from this region unless the Islamic Republic of Iran (can) also export its oil was a source of pride," the hard-line commander said in a tweet, adding that he would be ready to implement the policy.

Soleimani, who is widely known as Iran's "spymaster," and Rouhani, who has made diplomacy with the West a staple of his presidency, rarely see eye to eye.

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Previous Post: Iran Warns Neighboring Oil Exporters That There Will Be Consequences If Countries Stop Buying Iranian Oil (July 3, 2018)

WNU Editor: The Iranians (at least publicly) are spoiling for a fight.


jimbrown said...

They will lose this fight very quickly.

Happy 4th of July.

Americanadian soldier said...

Something tells me they will live up to the threat this time. a now or never for survival of the regime kinda thing

Unknown said...
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fazman said...

They might wanna re visit operation mantis ,but then again an artificial reef would be great for the regions tourism.

fazman said...

Yep,weeks not months.

Mike Feldhake said...

Missle technology will allow them to extend their range into the Gulf areas, this will make it harder for us to deal with it but in the end we can handle it. Although his comment might suggest other means for them to handle this; like sabotaging the fields and terminals. That makes it harder to right against.