Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Should Iran Negotiate With President Trump?

James S. Robbins, USA Today: Donald Trump takes North Korea approach to reopen Iran negotiations — Mullahs should listen

Despite all-caps Tweets between Donald Trump and Iran's foreign minister, there are few options for Tehran. Military action isn't one of them.

Monday morning President Trump tweeted out an all-caps warning to Tehran not to try America’s patience. “NEVER EVER THREATEN THE UNITED STATES AGAIN,” Mr. Trump warned, “OR YOU WILL SUFFER CONSEQUENCES THE LIKE OF WHICH FEW THROUGHOUT HISTORY HAVE EVER SUFFERED BEFORE.” Responded Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, “COLOR US UNIMPRESSED.”

The upper-case exchange followed a series of statements from Iran indicating the possibility of armed confrontation in the Persian Gulf. Earlier this month President Hassan Rouhani said that if the United States persisted in its efforts to cut Iran’s oil exports, Tehran would see to it that no country in the region would be able to export oil. This was widely seen as a threat to block the Strait of Hormuz, through which a third of global oil exports flow, and a move Iran has threatened before.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: President Trump is leaving the door open for Iran .... Trump says U.S. ready to make a 'real deal' on Iran’s nuclear program (Reuters). My prediction .... Iran is not interested in dealing with the U.S. for now. Next year may be a different story.


Bob Huntley said...

Remember that Iran negotiated with Obama, if at a distance, and have since learned that negotiating with a US President has no value.

Anonymous said...

right. let's nuke them

Roger Smith said...

Bob, I know a dollar bill no longer buys 20 Milky way candy bars as when I was a kid but still I wouldn't pass on the billion plus $$$ that the prior occupant of the White House secretly [did ya note the word secretly?]had flown into Iran, but this and sanction removals, etc., were not and are not small change in my book. And all for ten short years then back to square one? Ohhhhh! That Johnny K! He is one world class bargain maker!
Sound of tom toms beating.... And just for you my friend,today only,I'll throw in two...not one, bridges in Brooklyn. Just sign below.

The nerve of that Trump!

SCOTTYD said...
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B.Poster said...

"Remember Iran negotiated with Obama..." those negotiations were essentially a gang rape of the US. No meaningful verification methods in place and no change in Iranian rhetoric we actually could stop there. Besides Iran never actually signed the deal essentially reaping the benefits without any of the obligations. On top of this, the Israelis presented intelligence indicating the Iranians were not complying with the terms of JCPOA.

With all of this said had I been POTUS I probably would have kept the crap sandwich while turning to the world's major powers to somehow assist us in makkng the crap sandwich more palatable based on the premise we had no other choice. POTUS was not elected to think this way. He was elected to make America great. While this may not work out, his courage in withdrawing us from this is commendable.

The next step will be getting the major world powers on board with renegotiating this. While it is premature to reach any conclusions on whether or not such an effirt will be successful, I do see some encouraging signs.

Bob Huntley said...


"POTUS was not elected to think this way. He was elected to make America great. While this may not work out, his courage in withdrawing us from this is commendable."

Partially agree. I think he was elected to piss off Clinton. Her base didn't come out and he got more than he should because of his attacks on Hillary and the establishment. Turns out he was stronger in usurping the establishment. There has been nothing good come out of his tenure so far and nothing good will come out of it.

That gang rape was a signal to the US from the other nations to watch out or you will end up isolated. Trump is pushing hard for that isolation.

B.Poster said...


Actually much good has come so far. 1.)The careful diplomatic efforts with Russia have eased tensions somewhat with the Russian leadership. For now, they have essentially agreed to call off Cold War 2. How long this will last will depend upon how reasonable the US government can be going forward. Its a shame that some have placed their petty political interests over the good of America. Its a shame they simply cannot realize the upside to good relations with powerful countries and the people who lead them coupled with the downside risks associated with it. 2.)The tax cuts have stimulated economic growth in a major way as have the regulatory reforms. 3.)Prior to Trump we were on the brink of war with North Korea. While much can still go wrong, tensions have been reduced. 4.)A new trade agreement with the EU was negotiated after Euro leaders had essentially declared Trump an enemy. This will be a huge help to America.

I anticipate big gains by Republicans in the mid terms. Furthermore I anticipate the incoming House and Senate to have more in common with Trump. Judging by the announced retirement of Justice Kennedy he agrees. A "moderate" in American politics will find unpalatable the kind of Justice Trump would nominate. As such, if he did not see the "handwriting on the wall" he would have stayed in until after the mid terms. Also, Trump and Putin have agreed to postpone future meetings until next year. If they suspected the Republicans would lose seats or Trump's position would be weaker next year, the parties would have rushed to get as much accomplished now as they could. Instead they have decided to postpone suspecting Trump's position to be stronger next year.

I have already pointed out four tangible benefits. Since we have already had four good things come from Trump's presidency your statement that nothing good has come from is not factual. After the mid terms I would expect more to come.

As to why Trump was elected, you write "I think...." As an American I can tell you exactly why he was elected. Many of us knew the status quo was dangerous if not out and out suicidal. HRC only offered more of the status quo. As such, a substantial portion of DJT's voters voted for the only candidate they thought could beat the establishment. Essentially when faced with virtual certain calamity or the unknown, going with the unknown seems the sensible choice.

"That gang rape...." Actually I have a different take on this. It was a signal to America to "NEVER EVER STAND UP FOR YOUR JUST RIGHTS!! WE ARE CONFIRMING WHAT YOU HAVE ALWAYS KNOWN WHEN IT COMES TO IRAN YOU CAN NEVER EXPECT JUSTICE AS WE WILL ALWAYS, ALWAYS SIDE IWTH IRAN OVER YOU!!" They had the person with the makeup as POTUS who would meekly take this kind of abuse. Maybe they gave him something. As for Americans, we have long come to understand the world views us as sub human and our lives are less valuable to much of the world than others.

"Trump is pushing hard for that isolation." This seems a strange statement. 1.) Iran seems to be having extreme trouble circumventing sanctions. They've recently had to fire their top central banker as a fall guy of sorts. In the past getting around such sanctions would have been easy. 2.)In response to Iran's threat to launch the mother of all wars against America (genocide), Trump responded. The criticism for Trump, while present. was muted. In the past a POTUS would not have dared to make such statements knowing the response would be deafening. I think the final straw for much of the world may have been eight attempts made by America to reach out in diplomacy being rebuffed. I think many new what an evil and revolting government Iran has but did not want to know. Such a brazen and uncalled for act by Iran makes it pretty near impossible not to know.

B.Poster said...

The previous post ran long. To ensure ease of reading and that it would not exceed the character length I have broken it out into two posts.

3.)Trump recently secured a meeting with Vladimir Putin arguably the most powerful man in the world and the head of arguably the world's most powerful countries. Nations and people who are isolated do not get audiences with such people. Furthermore future meetings have been tentatively agreed to. As such, Putin does not expect Trump or America to be isolated in the future. Otherwise they would not have even been open to future meetings.

4.)EU/US trade has been renegotiated. Trump has called this a new phase in our relations with the Euros. Does this finally mean they are going to respect us and treat us as equals? while I am not holding my breath on this one, if we were isolated, they would have not have bothered to negotiate with the man their leadership has referred to as an enemy. By extension they referred to the people who voted for him as an enemy by making the voters and the leader of the nation their enemy they tagged America itself as an enemy and yet they negotiated. If America were isolated, they would not have done this. On top of this, they appear to have agreed to buy more energy supplies from America!! They can get this from Russia and would if America truly were isolated.

Now if you wish to "isolate" us, kindly "file for divorce" and LEAVE US ALONE!! I liken America's relations with the "west" and many of its "allies" much like a very bad marriage. America has gotten the bad end of this for many decades now. You could "isolate" us by doing us the dignity of asking for a divorce and LEAVING US ALONE!!

If I were POTUS, I might have taken the step of "filing for divorce." After all I don't expect any NATO chumps to come to our aid when/if we are invaded. POTUS is not asking for "divorce." He is asking for a renegotiating of the agreement in such a manner that it has value to America and Americans. Essentially the use and abuse of America and Americans by such people has to end one way or the other.