Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Somalia's Terror Group Al-Shabab Has Banned The Use Of Plastic Bags

FILE PHOTO: al-Shabaab spokesman Sheik Muktar Robow Abu Mansur addresses a news conference © Feisal Omar / Reuters

Daily Mail: Al-Shabaab declares a ban on PLASTIC BAGS: Islamist terror group who killed four people on Sunday say single-use plastics are bad for animals and the environment

* The terror group announced plans to ditch all single-use plastics on Sunday
* Hours earlier Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for killing four in a mortar attack
* The attack in the Somali capital Mogadishu injured seven others and killed four
* Al-Shabaab also introduced new plans to immediately stop logging native trees

International terror group Al-Shabaab has reportedly introduced an eco-friendly ban on plastic bags - just hours after killing four people in a brutal mortar attack.

The notorious terrorists, who have links to Al Qaeda, said the single-use plastics 'pose a serious threat to the wellbeing of humans and animals' as they announced the sweeping measures on Sunday afternoon, HuffPost reports.

Read more ....

More News On Somalia's Terror Group Al-Shabab Banning The Use Of Plastic Bags

Somalia’s terror group bans ‘harmful’ plastic bags -- Middle East Monitor
Al-Shabab Bans Plastic Bags to Protect People and Livestock -- Newsweek
Jihadists go green: Islamic extremist group al-Shabab bans plastic bags -- Military Times
Somali militant group Al-Shabab bans single-use plastic bags -- Global News
Going green? Somali terrorist group’s plastic bag ban aims to protect ‘humans and animals’ -- RT


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wait.... are these guys running for parliament in Canada?

  3. smith with the fake name: GROW UP
    You have become a laughing stock here

    1. Actually he was quite funny because there's some truth to it! That's what makes a good joke...and your overreaction (read: outrage acting) is telling me enough about you and who you vote for. 2020 will be a disaster for Democrats. No one wants your BS outrage acting ,it's getting stale quick.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This will help there chances to assimilate into California when they are done playing guns.

  6. Greenpeace ought to be happy. Shabab is now even closer to their anti-human outlook.
