Friday, August 31, 2018

American Flag Planting On Moon Scene Omitted In Neil Armstrong Biopic 'First Man'

FOX News: Ryan Gosling defends Neil Armstrong biopic 'First Man' leaving out American flag in moon landing scene

“First Man,” the Neil Armstrong biopic that tells the tale of the 1969 moon landing, has stolen the show at several international film festivals — but not everyone is happy.

The film fails to show one of the most integral moments of American history – when Armstrong plants the American flag on the moon, according to The Telegraph. Ryan Gosling, the Canadian actor who portrays Armstrong in the movie, defended the decision to not show the flag.

Gosling was asked at the Venice Film Festival whether omitting the scene was deliberate and the actor attempted to sidestep the question by responding that the moon landing “transcended countries and borders.”

Read more ....

Update: Canadian ‘First Man’ actor defends omitting American flag planting on moon: Achievement ‘transcended countries and borders’ (American Mirror)

WNU Editor: The American flag planting scene was one of the iconic moments of the moon landing. It is too bad that they decided to omit it.


  1. This did transcend countries and borders, this was a direct result of the cold war. It was the space race.. U.S.A. and Russia. JFK himself didn't care about the moon... it was about the Russians (no disrespect to the WNU editor!) Sure I'm American and I'm probably biased, but this was one of the proudest moments in American history and this movie shits all over it. It's bad enough here with our political situation, but at least give us some respect for one of our few proud moments.

  2. Who does that studio think the audience for this movie is? Who made the brilliant decision to "omit" the flag planting? They just cut their box office take in half to wave the middle finger at Trump and his 63 million voters.

    I think I'll "omit" First Man from my movie list.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. ah, thew Left...idea: do not like Hollywood? don't watch their films instead of being prissy missy. In America capitalism is still in play and fascism not yet destroying it with Orange Julius

  5. Tell that to the American tax payers.

  6. hint: not all potential tax payers pay taxes...see Panama Papers for offshore you pay taxes or bank offshore? see who pays now?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Ingraham's comments came after Gosling told reporters that conversations with Armstrong's family led him and the studio to believe that the famous astronaut did not view himself as an "American hero."

    “I think this was widely regarded in the end as a human achievement [and] that's how we chose to view it,” he told reporters. "I also think Neil was extremely humble, as were many of these astronauts, and time and time again he deferred the focus from himself to the 400,000 people who made the mission possible.”

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  11. Smith sounds like everyman's ex-wife

  12. Deprecate? I served in the American army...My son was a marine; another son in Israeli elite outfit...what have you ever done but buy American made sanitary pads for your monthlies


  13. Fred, your last really is tasteless. And uncalled for.


  14. Just another example of Hollywoods hate for this Country.. They want to erase every example of American Exceptionalism.

  15. Marco Rubio and the Right’s Bogus Attacks on Ryan Gosling’s Neil Armstrong Movie ‘First Man’

    The Florida senator accused Damien Chazelle’s moon-landing film, which just premiered in Venice, of being unpatriotic. He couldn’t be further from the truth.
    Alas, anyone not doing what should be done according to those commenting here are not patriotic, terrible people. Exceptionalism? yes. no health care, lousy infrastructure; growing wage gap etc. Hollywood is a bunch of capitalistic enterprises, and much of what appears as film is by independents, ie, not "hollywood," as cliche mongers would have it

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  17. I don’t go to movies anymore, but I do go to In n Out at least once a week, and I assure the satisfaction that place puts out is far beyond anything Hollywood can produce.

  18. This omission and attempt to rewrite history is perhaps more sad than tragic
    What a sad commentary on the advance of leftist ideology successfully warping the American rank and file.
    Perhaps those who seek to justify the ommision of perhaps the greatest and most enduring symbol of u.s technical and humanitarian prowess could also place a positive spin on other historical revisions put forward by Irvings.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I think I'll "omit" First Man from my movie list as well

  21. "First Man cynically exploits Armstrong's humility, his unwillingness to express strong opinions about what he did, to justify the movie's political decision not to show the pivotal movement in which the American flag was planted on the moon."


    “By buying the services of space transportation, rather than the vehicles themselves, we can continue to ensure rigorous safety standards are met,” - Obama

    So buying services ipso facto means that safety standards are met?

    So if a person buys any services, they automatically with 100% certitude know that safety standards are met!

    Obama is a blithering IDIOT!
