Friday, August 31, 2018

Not A Good Week For Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau

Bloomberg: Nafta Crunch Caps a Pretty Dreadful Week for Justin Trudeau

This has not been a good week for Justin Trudeau.

It began with a surprise U.S.-Mexico trade pact that excluded Canada from a Nafta rewrite, sending the prime minister’s negotiating team scrambling to strike a deal ahead of the Trump administration’s deadline. Then a key pipeline he spent billions to nationalize got sideswiped by a court decision, and the most important ally in his climate change plan abandoned him. And now the White House has informed Congress of its intent to sign an new agreement with or without the northern nation.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The media and the polls that they commission say that Prime Minister Trudeau is still comfortably in the lead in public opinion polls, and that he will coast to another election win next year. The problem is that in the past few months his allies are being easily defeated in elections, and that in strongholds like Quebec (where I live), his support has evaporated, especially among French Canadians. Bottom line .... he is in trouble.


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  2. The White Nationalists in the Trump Administration Aren't There by Accident
    Given what the president says and does, it's no surprise that some of his underlings have links to outright white nationalists.

  3. Canadians back PM's handling of Trump attacks, tariffs: polls
    while true that his popularity has gone way down, it is nowhere as low as that of Orange Julius, aka Pussy Grabber Trump

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  6. better those two than a Putin Puppet selling out our nation

    1. Evidence? Where is the evidence for what you claim? Do you think it's good for the discourse in this nation to keep on poisoning it with statements like this with no evidence? Of course you've said much worse things without evidence, but it serves as a reminder what a person you are. The law is for everyone. Even for trump. You are the rot in this civilisation

  7. Accuse someone of rape? show us the indictment...the court case...the jury verdict

    1. Huh you want evidence all of a sudden? You're the guy on this blog who's the lynch mob leader who doesn't want any evidence for anything Trump allegedly did as long as cnn tells you to be outraged and follow their lead you m***on.. it's pathetic what you do and then pretend you care about evidence
      You're a political hack that's all you are

  8. Every professional pollster is a liar unless what they come up with fits into what you want to believe, though what that might be is unknown,since you prefer to dribble venom on all things in order to assert your superiority, when in fact you reveal instead what an insecure negative loser you truly are.

    Call me a pornographer? here is my website. Let those who care to find out for themselves what a liar you are

  9. Dear Anon--
    I am waiting for the legally structured Mueller team to complete their work. I will abide by whatever their findings are after their thorough and professional search. That said: why do no call for evidence from me when I wait for the report?
    name calling is a sure sign of childish behavior when that is used rather than a constructed argument

    1. No you liar. I'm the one who tells you for two years to wait for Mueller. YOU are the one who keeps saying that Trump did xyz without evidence for two years. Don't think I forgot. For 2 years! And now as it looks worse and worse you pretend you were abiding by the law all the time you lynch mob outrage actor, pretending to be civil all of a sudden. No one on this blog has forgotten your outrageous statements. F off you phony

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  15. Lapides,
    How wonderful you are to type this with a straight face, it takes rare courage indeed to say something like this:
    "I am waiting for the legally structured Mueller team to complete their work. I will abide by whatever their findings are after their thorough and professional search. That said: why do no call for evidence from me when I wait for the report?
    name calling is a sure sign of childish behavior when that is used rather than a constructed argument"
    The name calling part is really wonderful Lapides, I am so glad that you have the expertise to recognize the behavior you excel in.

    1. For 2 years this guy (Fred) has been repeating everything cnn claims. For two years! Now he pretends this all didn't happen. Look at how many comments he deleted now to erase his own history. Freaking Ass. .. He and others like him who so willingly love to form a lynch mob without evidence, are the core problem of the unrest in the USA. Going after a man and accuse him of treason. That's like calling someone a murderer almost. With no evidence. F off forever Fred Lapides

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  17. call all the names you want. Mueller has a fine reputation and has already got indictments and guilty pleas...why bother point to this and that in the past that shows the FBI screwed up. I know how bad they were under Jay Edgar Hoover. Does that mean you reject them now? and accept Trump's word or those indicted or those who are copping plea bargains in their guilt?
    you have the childish trick of finding one instance here and there of something amiss and then citing this to accuse something in the present or for an entire agency...
    Why is it that so many in GOP trust Mueller and want his work to be completed but you, knowing so much better, typing away here, call sham etc
    grow up. I wait for the full report and judge the finished product and not the unknown as yet process

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  20. Lapides,
    " I wait for the full report and judge the finished product and not the unknown as yet process"
    And I await the day you do what you trumpet to the world. Come on Lapides surely your world renowned memory will fail you now!
    You are going to have to get better at what you don't do (name calling) there is a distinct lack of imagination in your terminology, would have thought that someone who was the stool of his Department in English, would make Roget blush in jealousy. Maybe it was all just a sample.

  21. I think the more sickening you are as a person, the more you need to show to others how good you are and participate in as many outrage acting activities.

    Example. Cnn claims xyz about Trump
    Fred, the porn website operator (disgusting) of course needs to make up for things, so he joins the chorus to look like a saint, a good person. What a liar Fred is, it sickens me. For 2 years he's been calling trump everything in the outrage book. And now he's like "no no, I'm just waiting for the Mueller report"

    I was the one who called him out two years ago already and told him to wait for what the FBI (back then, before mueller took over) had to say. I was the one who told him like 20 times to wait for evidence before calling someone a traitor.

    This guy. ..seriously. All that's wrong on the left. Fred the porn operator who first wanted to form a lynch mob, noooow he wants to wait for evidence and pretends he never did do those things.

    Cnn - loves pornstars and porn star lawyers

    Fred - porn operator

    Go figyre

    They are all the same. ..people who are vile are the loudest guys in the crowd. .always the same. .

  22. Anon
    There is but one person visiting this site that stalks me by using google to locate my home. To read my bio done for Rutgers for oral history of N.J. war veterans, in which my background is fully made available. Guessm then, dear readers, who this anonymous person, whose online name is also fake, could be? hint: initials, A.S. as in asshole

    1. I don't care about you and what your deal is with aizino. I'm someone else and if you haven't figured that out you should realise that since we are on different continents I typically post at different times. It's not rocket science, duh

  23. Baby Trump balloon set to join protests in Ireland for US president's visit

    'There’s going to be a massive show of resistance - it would be an honour for the Trump baby to be part of it'

    1. Such a grown up way lol no wonder you love it so much

  24. Lapides,
    Your ripostes are truly dazzling, but I'd work on that spelling. The name calling could use a little improvement you tend to repeat yourself even with your world renowned memory.

  25. Lapides,
    By the way it's John Edgar Hoover not Jay, unless of course he was another you were on a first name basis. Considering everything about you that would certainly not be surprising.


  26. Miss Smith, aka Anon...isn't one fake name suffient
    J. Edgar appears as grammar nazi jumps in to vomit usual venom..sure sign of shrike

    The Trump Administration Is Keeping 100,000 Pages Of Brett Kavanaugh's Records Secret

    “The White House, after consultation with the Department of Justice, has directed that we not provide these documents.”

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  29. So this dude says "Lookie at my website."

    Moreover, said dude publishes his address.

    So a person is interest to see what type of dark dank basement, this spouter of Democrat Party talking points works out of.

    A very dark, dreary and poor one.

    So this dude publishes his address and then complains, when a person looks at his hovel.

    Ironic isn't it.

  30. You got sddress from porn site and stalker that you are you had to see how many garages I had
    What a piece of work you are
    Go forth and sin no more

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  33. Azino,
    "You would think a PhD in English could tell different writing style and other idiosyncracies apart."

  34. Lapides,
    "J. Edgar appears as John" my most sincere apologies, you, I'm sure you addressed him as Mary which rolled off your tongue quite easily, so to speak.

  35. Fred I hate to bust your bubble but I'm not Aizino..I'm not even on the same continent as you two. .but I'm on this blog long enough to know how much you lie. I even came to your defence a few times. But I've had it with u when you started lying about the things you wrote. I'm the guy who jokingly told Aizino to take his meds..but after a while I figured out Aizino may write a lot sometimes and is strongly opinionated, but he's not an outright liar and lynch mob candidate like you are who repeats cnn talking points for 2 years like a parrot, only to then pretend he never wrote these things. Now you want to wait for evidence like I said you should for 2 years... fine by me. .but don't pretend you were the one who said we should wait for evidence. No sir. That was me. You were the parrot. The dimwit.

  36. Aizino isn't it ironic that the guy who calls Trump a liar and vulgar runs a smut website for more than a decade and even in his url has a profanity and on top lies all day long? Not saying Trump isn't a liar. .I'm saying it takes a vulgar and a liar to recognise one ;)

    But in all seriousness. Fred you really need to check yourself. I even agree with you that Trump is a liar (I said so myself and I agree that he's vulgar. .but we all are. .what I can't stand is someone like you- who operates smut pages and lies and then points the finger
    .not only that. .but someone like you who then goes further and follows the cnn talking points of treason. For 2 years my friend. It's despicable how you sit on your high horse and point fingers and then even talks about the number of garages. ..Like how low can you sink on the moral barometer? How low and still point fingers and lie about what you said? I told you for 2 years to wait for evidence. 2 years man. But oh no. .you're judge jury and executioner. Don't you see a problem in that?

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I fully agree with you. Trump is vulgar. And he certainly lied. Many times. But I know so have I. And so has Obama. The difference is that on the macrolevel (China north Korea Russia Iran world trade etc) Trump gets it. Also what I can't stand is this pretending as if obama never lied. And then on top to see everything through the cnn treason lense, weakening trump's hand in negotiations for now almost 2 years, while giving Obama and clinton a pass on so many things. If Trump committed treason, hang him. Honestly. Hang him. But the same law must apply to clinton and obama (I'm not saying any of them committed treason or high crimes, but all should be fairly investigated...but Fred only wants cnn justice. ..makes me throw up in my mouth a little that this guy was in a teaching capacity at one point in his life. ..but then again it explains why teens today care more about posting a selfie of them outrage acting and calling Trump a traitor and vow to resist, than to help their president and the nation to succeed (oh and on top, if you don't agree with them you're automatically a racist and fascist)..the balls it takes and the ignorance it takes. .

  38. Edward Fred Lapides Deming speaks from a position of authority as a quant.

  39. You Are Not Going to Believe This List of CNN's Bungled Reporting

    "CNN retracted a story in June of 2016 claiming that former Trump adviser Anthony Scaramucci was under investigation by Congress for his alleged ties to Russia.
    The story relied on one anonymous congressional source and CNN apologized to Scaramucci for the error. Three CNN reporters ended up resigning from the company over the botched report.


    CNN reported in December of 2017 that Donald Trump Jr. received special access to documents stolen by WikiLeaks on Sept. 4, 2016. However, Donald Trump Jr. actually was emailed about the documents on Sept. 14, 2016 — a day after they were already available to the general public.

    CNN updated the report but still has not explained how two sources managed to give them the wrong date on the email."

    1. It's not just the mistakes cnn makes. .it's the unchecked lies they let their guests and opinion people spew on national TV. That porn lawyer for example -promised- that he has material that proves trump's collusion. Months later. Crickets. Cooper let him say all kinds of outrageous claims without any follow up questions. Turns out that lawyer is in debt, his wife divorces him because of his life style of spending money etc and they let him on more than 60 times (or is it 100 times by now? ) it's unheard of. And then we have people like Fred who eat all this up. 24/7 attacks on trump. Lies. "Opinions" no follow up questions. Almost no redactions. No wonder you get people like Fred in the end.

  40. Or what about that Trump tower meeting, one of the key points CNN used in the Russia Collusion story. A lie. The lawyer admitted to his error. CNN stuck by it.. CNN is so deep in this, there only way is to ride it out over time.. as i have predicted already half a year ago, they will more and more shift to external opinion people to come on their show to do the dirty work (the lies and opinions) and let their key anchors do less. Why? Because otherwise at one point they'd have to let go every single anchor.. Cooper, Lemon, Wolf... they all went with it and they all became political hacks in that moment and not journalists. They are opinion shapers. The don't redact. The don't do follow up questions any more, they just let people on the air - sometimes dozens of times - and say the most outrageous things. So while I despise Fred for his low intellect (english major, go figure), I respect him for his battle. Fred, watching cnn, truly believes this. He does - just look at the way he writes. But it's not his fault. The reason why I switched away from CNN (I used to watch it almost exclusively for a decade) is because I can't stand what they do to the nation. They have turned completely political. Fred is just a casualty.

  41. Anon @ 3:14AM,
    "Fred is just a casualty."
    Yes, one of many.

  42. CNN used to be awesome, when they 1st started.

    I could come back form class at anytime and catch up with the news.

    A long, long fall
