Sunday, August 19, 2018

Are Former Intelligence Officials Distancing Themselves From Former CIA Director John Brennan's Accusation That President Trump Has Committed Treason?

The Hill: Clapper: Brennan's rhetoric is becoming an issue

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said Sunday that he thinks former CIA Director John Brennan's rhetoric is becoming an issue "in and of itself."

"John and his rhetoric have become an issue in and of itself," Clapper said on CNN's "State of the Union." "John is subtle like a freight train and he’s gonna say what’s on his mind."

Clapper's comments came in response to an op-ed penned by Brennan in The New York Times this week, in which he wrote that President Trump colluded with Russia during the 2016 election.

Clapper said he empathized with Brennan, but voiced concerns for Brennan's fiery rhetoric toward Trump and his administration.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This is embarrasing. Instead of denouncing the former CIA Director's accusations that President trump committed treason (while providing no proof), these former intelligence officials are rushing to condemn the removal of his security clearance (even though he is no longer in government). As for former CIA Director John Brennan, he is not deterred (see video below) ....


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  2. Brennan is very upset because now his deep state anti Trump contacts or should I say spies are now clearly breaking the law if they share classified info with him. Before they could cover their discussions since everyone has a clearance.

    Some Brennan sources have dried up no doubt.


  3. Awright AS; lawn chair and popcorn!
    Like a chess game, Brennan is one move behind, he just lost a piece, and next move is Trump's.

  4. the mills of the gods grind on but they grind exceedingly slow

  5. Editor
    they are critical of his ranting but seem to agree with much of that which he says. As for his clearance: you are I am afraid people do keep clearances for consultation...then, there are some 13 causes for removing clearance for anyone, but not one cause is the one which Trump used to justify removing clearance. Trump does have the legal right to remove clearance, but this is clearly in this instance done in a vindictive manner

    ps: intel guys, i imagine know more about what is taking place than we do and they are smart enough NOT to give classified information to the public, relying, no doubt, on what Mueller people will perhaps develop.

  7. Lapides,
    Give an example of Brennan's "right of free speech" being infringed upon.
    "intel guys, i imagine know more about what is taking place than we do"
    What gives you the authority to use the plural "we" in this case?

    1. Intel guys at top of intel programs know more than YoU since they have access to that which you do not
      Simple fact of intel life
      ever deal with serious classified stuff?
      Yes or no?

    2. You have not answered either of my questions.

  8. If someone in the intelligence community wants Brennan's advice on what he did during his tenure at the CIA, I fail to see why Brennan needs his security clearance. He just simply shows up and tells the person who has a security clearance what he wants to know.

  9. WNU,
    "If someone in the intelligence community wants Brennan's advice on what he did during his tenure at the CIA, I fail to see why Brennan needs his security clearance. He just simply shows up and tells the person who has a security clearance what he wants to know."
    Exactly and if a clearance is needed it can be expedited quite easily.

  10. Well, there are a lot of former CIA boss. We only hear Brennan, all the other one are silent.

  11. Holding security clearances after retirement is all about influence peddling.
    You can't get those cushy six-figure consulting jobs without it.

    This is why DC insiders are freaking out. Many golden rice bowls are set to be smashed.

  12. Fred, that you defend a partisan hack like Brennan who not only embarrased himself, lied to congress and embarassed the entire nation and security group.. you're just beyond pathetic now.. and then you try to bully everyone in rolling over and say "no no, YOU had security clearance" we should listen to you. No, Fred, no. I know a rat when I see one and Brennan is not only a rat, he probably started this whole Russia Colussion thing. Do you thin he's that innocent? He lied about the CIA spy apparatus, spying on hundreds of millions of Americans - incuding you, Fred - but ohhh no, righteous Fred who doesn't understand how the world works and how he's being manipulated by CNN, righteous Fred shouts BRENNAN IS AN INNOCENT MAN.. sure Fred.. sure.. this innocent man, has profited from his security clearance access to position himself as a talking head - the lowest of the low despicable jobs these days - on MSNBC and CNN - ranking in millions in fees over the last couple of years, SPEWING nonsense without evidence.. SHOUTING that Trump is a traitor.. but righteous Fred doens't see anything wrong with that. Accusing someone of Treason ( a crime punishable by up to execution/death by hanging ) without evidence.. that's the new normal.. Sieg Fred, Sieg Heil! You are the future of what's coming.. #lynchmobs #brownshirts #FredLeadUs #FredTellUsWhatsTrue

  13. Someone not currently in government, shouldn't have access to government files (security clearances) period. If they are needed to consult, the necessary security clearances can be restored at that time and for that purpose to be rescinded once the consulting engagement is over. This is how it works everywhere else.

    Actually to keep security clearances for people in perpetuity actually endangers national security as the person would potentially be vulnerable to blackmail by a foreign power or other unscrupulous elements. Such understandings have much to do with the reason that corporate employees lose all access to company data upon voluntary or involuntary terminations from their positions. Such access can be restored if they are called back to consult or to otherwise resume their association with the entity.

    The arguments given as to why Mr. Brenan and others should be allowed to retain such clearances are beyond weak. They are pathetic. Bottom line: allowing someone not currently associated with the government to retain access to government documents and other information actually endangers national security and is a practice that needs to be ended forthwith.

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