Sunday, August 19, 2018

Here's What The Chinese Government Does To Its Citizens Who Speak Out Against Them

Surveillance cameras in front of a giant portrait of Mao Zedong in Beijing's Tiananmen Square in 2009. Jason Lee/Reuters

Business Insider: Barging into your home, threatening your family, or making you disappear: Here's what China does to people who speak out against them

The Chinese Communist Party has long sought to suppress ideas that could undermine the sweeping authority it has over its 1.4 billion citizens — and the state can go to extreme lengths to maintain its grip.

In just the past few years, the government has attempted to muzzle critics by making them disappear without a trace, ordering people to physically barge into their houses, or locking up those close to critics as a kind of blackmail.

Even leaving China isn't always enough. The state has continued to clamp down on dissent by harassing and threatening family members who remain in the country.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I have been a "China Watcher" since the early 1980s, and I have never seen it as bad as it is now.I do not know when it will happen, but one day there is going to be blow-back against this repression.

Hat tip Fred for this link.


  1. Thanks for this article, which is actually only the tip of the iceberg regarding horrendous abuses continuing in China by its Communist government.

    * rape and murder of Tibetan monks and people
    * imprisonment, torture and organ harvesting after the murder of Falun Gong prisoners of
    conscience (see

    I never understood why Alan Greenspan and President Clinton approved China joining the WTO in 1980. China is an evil force in the world and the US allowed them to join the international community, for money I suppose.

  2. China is back to the Mao Zedong time with modern tools. This will make the people less productive and less creative. The effect will not be seen quickly but it will be too late when they will appear.

  3. WNU it will be a long time before Chinese organize themselves to resistance.. from my contacts I can tell you that while they are unhappy they a) cannot leave* b) they fear repercussions for even attempting to organize c) they don't feel it's that bad yet mostly and they think things will change for the better.. I think China will go down that route for a few more years.. but the damage will be done.. for when I wrote that most cannot leave, some can.. the rich can.. and they will try to leave.. no one wants to live in a society like this unless you are a hardcore nationalist.. and even among the Chinese rich ones, there's less and less. why? Because they have been to the west (the rich ones).. they know how we live.. while yes, you can actually live sometimes equally nice (or nicer even in areas of Shanghai) than in the west, it's not the same.. sure, you have the same luxury over there.. but it's a sad society.. always being spied on.. always fearful that some day the government just accuses you of something and takes it all away.. no.. they want to live freely.. while the West has its own issues, we are still the free ones. So some of them will want to leave China. And if they don't leave, they will at least want to divest away from China (which is always a sound strategy, but here it's a must).. so you will see brain and money drain.. how much? Well that depends on how bad it gets .. I think this is a slowly closing fist.. but once it's fully operational, God I hope I won't even have to go on a business trip to China anymore (and that too will hurt China.. no not because of me, but hundreds of thousands of business men from the West will get the creeps even making the visit to this nation.. certainly not for tourism anymore.. I considered going to China for fun a few times.. that's not even a consideration anymore.. no way)

  4. The Chinese have been ruled by dictators (emperors) for thousands of years. It is normal to them. They consider democracy a foreign and flawed ideology. They will never revolt against Xi who has become their new emperor. If the West thinks the Chinese population will rise up they will be sorely disappointed.

  5. Communists are baby killing savages , why is this a surprise?!

  6. no way the Chinese people could ever revolt, they would all be killed, the Communist are ruthless and supported fully by the military, remember Tienanmen Square
