Thursday, August 16, 2018

China And The U.S. Will Be Holding Lower-Level Trade Talks In Late August

CNN: China: Trade talks with the US are back on

China says new talks with the United States are set to take place amid the trade war between the two economic superpowers.

The Chinese Commerce Ministry announced Thursday that a delegation will travel to the United States later this month for talks. The visit is at the invitation of the United States, the ministry said in a short statement.

Previous rounds of talks between the two countries failed to make much progress, resulting in the outbreak of a trade war that has already hurt businesses on both sides of the Pacific. The countries imposed steep tariffs on billions of dollars of each other's exports this summer and have threatened more.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I expect nothing to come out of these talks. The Chinese have shown zero interest to compromise, believing that the Trump administration will eventually back down .... Senior Chinese delegation to visit US for trade war talks as ‘sides remain far apart’ (SCMP). . I believe that they are also just biding their time in the hope that the Democrats will control Congress after the November elections, and that they would put pressure on President Trump to end this trade war.Will this Chinese strategy work .... I am betting no.

More News On Reports That China And The U.S. Will Be Holding Lower-Level Trade Talks In Late August

China, U.S. to hold lower-level trade talks in late August -- Reuters
China and U.S. to Resume Low-Level Talks in Bid to Resolve Trade War -- Bloomberg
China, US to hold trade talks in late August: report -- FOX News
Senior Chinese government delegation to visit U.S. for trade war talks -- Politico

1 comment:

  1. WNU Editor,

    I very respectfully disagree with your editor comment. In my considered opinion, pinning one's hopes on the Democrats gaining control of Congress is a bit like pinning one's hopes on winning the lottery.

    If they really thought there was a chance of the Democrats gaining control of Congress, I think they would have postponed all talks until after the November elections. Not only this but agreeing to talks right now gives some degree of legitimacy to the Trump position. If they had some hope of the Democrats gaining control of Congress, they would not have agreed to this right now as there would be no harm in waiting and nothing to gain by doing this now.

    Instead I think they have already concluded the Democrats are going to suffer huge losses in November. As such, they want to make sure they get the "big stuff" of an agreement done now because after the election Trump's position is likely to be even more firm. The final aspects will be ironed out after the mid terms.

    As further evidence of my position, I think the fact that the Chinese are sending less senior officials to DC to do the talking. As I have been informed by multiple sources, Chinese culture is based upon honor, shame, and saving face. By sending the junior delegates to be the face of the talks the higher ups are able to save face and, as with any organization, while less senior officials do much of the "leg work" final decisions are not made without the final approval of the most senior officials. By having the junior officials act as the "face" nothing is lost in the way of being able to reach an agreement and much is gained in the ability to save face after taking unreasonable positions in the past.

    We shall see who is right.:-) Am I right or is the experienced diplomat right?

    Where I think we can agree is China cannot win a trade war against the US. Now, as I have said before, should it become a military conflict this would be another matter.
