Thursday, August 16, 2018

Russian President Putin Is To Meet North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un 'Soon'

Channel News Asia/AFP: Putin ready to meet North Korea's Kim at 'early date': KCNA

SEOUL: Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un "at an early date", the North's state media reported on Wednesday (Aug 15), amid a rapid diplomatic thaw on the peninsula.

Putin invited Kim and the South's President Moon Jae-in in June to an economic forum in Vladivostok next month although it is not known whether the North Korean leader responded to the invitation.

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Update: Vladimir Putin ready to meet Kim Jong-un to discuss 'urgent issues', says North Korean state media (The Independent)

WNU Editor: It looks like Chinese President Xi is also going to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un soon .... Xi Jinping Looks Set to Visit Kim Jong-un (Weekly Standard).

Update #2: It also looks like the US Secretary of State is going to past by .... Pompeo may be returning to Pyongyang soon (Korea Joong Ang Daily)


  1. and now, a note from someone going by the name "Poster:" to alert us to what a great things this is for peace, prosperity, and rock and roll

    1. Tensions have been reduced, South Koreans support the current actions by about 80%, the South Koreans just re-elected their leadership by a wide margin based upon these developments, Japan recently lowered their alert level relative to North Korea and one of our generals described things as "moving in the right direction."

      Are we totally where we need to be yet? No. Can things still go wrong? Yes.

      I would tend to view the current talks in a positive but cautious light. Clearly we are going to have to work with powerful leaders like Xi and Putin.

      I'm not really "alerting" you to anything. Essentially do we believe the actions of those on the ground in the region or the talking points of pundits with no real world experience or first hand knowledge? Experiential common sense would suggest when in conflict the actions of those in the region would take precedent.

      Whose words take precedent those of a general who is in the region and has direct access to inside and real time information on what is happening on the ground or news media talking heads? Obviously the general would be more credible. Furthermore there is much analysis on the internet about how sloppily the US media covers events in foreign countries. This further erodes their credibility.

      The correct conclusion cab only be we are moving in the right direction unless we won't to discredit the actions of those on the ground in favor of cherished talking points. Have peace and prosperity been achieved? No.

      As to the rock and roll snark, I personally don't like it. Many don't. Very respectfully to have even included that in a discussion such as this indicates a non serious mind at work.

  2. B knows the score. He is aware that President Deals is playing ninth level chess in ten dimensions in multiple universes.

    In the game, but not of the game. Controlling it all times so that we cannot even comprehend his genius.

    1. I never made nor implied such statements. I will say compared to his domestic political opponents POTUS does look brilliant.

      POTUS'S domestic political opponents are like a number of large organizations. There is a tendency for them to be fat, slow, stupid, and ugly. In my considered opinion, this describes POTUS'S media and government critics perfectly.

      As POTUS properly pointed out, continuing the previous track regarding North Korea was going to lead to war. Millions would have died. With the path taken by POTUS and his team we are "moving in the right direction" as corroborated by the words and actions of those on the ground who would be in a position to know.

      Is there a "third way" that might be preferable to either the previous approach or the Trump approach? Possibly, in the absence of such a viable approach being presented the Trump approach based upon current results seems preferable.

      I would add if we do have to go to war the approach taken by team Trump has afforded us valuable time to properly prepare our military and homeland defenses. Hopefully the appropriate personnel are putting this time to good use.

  3. If anyone prefers the prior state of affairs before Trump came into office, say so.
    Missiles flying over Japan, regular nuclear tests, bombastic hate filled North Korean threats. Tell us that is better than where Trump has moved affairs.

    That said North Korea is as it always has been since 1950, a pawn of a great power. In the distant past the Soviet Union, in the recent past the Chinese. What Trump has done is complicate Chinese planning. Trump has made North Korean integral to overall US-Chinese relations in the economic, diplomatic and military sphere with very clear statements that Trump holds China accountable for what North Korea does.

    Again would you rather go back to the old ways where Obama, or Bush II averted their eyes to China or Russia whenever North Korea did something dreadful?

  4. anon
    please stop the silliness. Things may get better but thus far, and yes, even under Trump, N.Korea has and continues to have nukes...there may be a lull but NK continues to get help it needs from Russia and from China and your applauding Trump for nothing is just not helpful at all

  5. Anon (Last Post),

    "North Korea has and continues to have nukes." True, the main point of contention right now appears to be not whether they will dismantle them but at how fast of a pace. At least this is what the most recent dispute centered on. This is a vast improvement over where we were. "...there may be a lull." I'd say this is a very good thing. As a bonus, it allows us more time to improve our military capabilities and to bolster our homeland defenses if we do have to go to war.

    "...but NK continues to get help it needs from Russia and China." Yes, there has been some busting of sanctions but the help has not been as extensive as it used to be otherwise the North Koreans would never have agreed to open such negotiations. By agreeing to a "Summit" they gave a certain international cred to America's position and to that of Trump that neither America nor a POTUS has ever had relative to this conflict. This was and is always going to e delicate balancing act. Push to hard on sanctions and you lose all support from Russia and China. Don't push hard enough and you don't get any concessions at all. In the case of NK, I liken this to a person losing about 50% of their income, perhaps more. In the case of NK, they can still get around and function somewhat in this environment but it definitely affected them as we have the current negotiations and the fruit from it to show it.

    "....and your applauding Trump for nothing is not helpful at all." First of all by stating the facts and the statements of those on the ground is not "applauding." Also, pointing out the accomplishments is very helpful in that it helps people keep focused and to keep their eyes on the ball so to speak.

    As for the "for nothing" talking point, I'm sorry the facts on the ground simply don't bear out the talking point that nothing happened no matter how hard we want to spin this. 1.)The Japanese have lowered their alert level with regards to North Korea, 2.)The South Koreans are on board with the current track to the point that it has about 80% approval and the leadership party won about 80% of the vote, a landslide if there ever was one. If "nothing happened" we wouldn't have seen these two events.

    There's more. One of our generals involved with the situation stated that things are "moving in the right direction." None of these people are applauding Trump. I could go on but I think the picture is clear. Conclusion: the talking point does not hold up under scrutiny.

    The only way we get "applauding Trump" from any of this is if we assume that failure to take the hysterical, over the top, anti-Trump position = "applauding Trump." In which this case, this says more about the hysterical crazies than it does about the people who take reasonable and nuanced positions.

  6. So anonymous calls me out for silliness. Ok then. He wants the old days back with the US pretending China is an honest partner in deterring North Korea. You prefer Obama's way of handling North Korea, by doing nothing or nothing effective.

    Got it.

  7. Anon (last post above this one and several others),

    It appears that we are essentially on the same page for the most part. When presented with the old way that was failing or the Trump way that actually has netted some progress, obviously the Trump way would seem to be better approach. Now should someone present a "third way" that offers more promise of success without undermining the progress we have already made obviously we would be all eyes and ears. No one has offered this. As such, the Trump approach is the proper approach.
