Friday, August 17, 2018

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 17, 2018

A Chinese H6-K bomber. A Pentagon report warns that Beijing's military is preparing pilots and a fleet of long-range bombers for potential strikes against the United States. Photo courtesy China Ministry of Defense

SCMP: Chinese military steps up strike strength against US targets and Taiwan, says Pentagon

The improvements ‘pose major challenges to Taiwan’s security’, US Congress is told in week of new Act authorising greater US support to the self-ruling island

China’s military is better equipped for strikes against the US and the self-ruled island of Taiwan, according to a Pentagon report released on Friday.

In its annual report to the US Congress on China’s military developments, the Pentagon said the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) had undergone a sweeping overhaul, expanding the capacity of its bombers to “strike US and allied forces and military bases in the western Pacific Ocean, including [the US island territory of] Guam”.

The report also said the overhaul had improved the PLA’s ability to mount air and naval attacks on Taiwan, aiming to deter the island from pursuing independence and eroding Taiwan’s historical advantages in the Taiwan Strait.

The changes are part of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s plan to modernise the military and turn it into a world-class fighting force by 2050, backed by a US$190 billion official military budget last year.

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 17, 2018

China 'likely' training pilots to target US, Pentagon report says -- CNN

Pentagon: Chinese military 'likely training' for strikes against US and allies -- The Hill

Philippine president’s bodyguards trained by Russia’s federal protection service — envoy -- TASS

Philippines considers possibility to purchase naval ships from Russia -- TASS

Russian Scientists to Present Unmanned Helicopter at Army-2018 -- Sputnik

Russian hi-tech corporation developing next-generation body armor for soldiers -- TASS

Russia Has Four Potential "Killer Satellites" In Orbit, At Least That We Know About -- WZ

German army study sees need for dozens more light helicopters: sources -- Reuters

UK restarts frigate competition - but will anyone take part? -- Defense News

Biggest-ever British warship joins forces with most powerful American stealth fighter jets -- FOX News

New U.S. training unit in Afghanistan faces old problems -- Reuters

Laser Beam Attacks Bedevil U.S. Military Pilots in Mideast -- The Wall Street Journal

Military pilots attacked with laser beams 350 times in last 7 months: report -- The Hill

Boeing Gets Contract to Upgrade Navy's Blue Angels to Super Hornets -- DoD Buzz

Pave Hawk Replacement Can't Come Too Soon -- Defense Tech

Sikorsky Aircraft receives contract for MH-60 naval helicopters -- UPI

The US Navy’s fight to fix its worn-out Super Hornet fleet is making way -- Defense News

New Tests Prove IBCS Missile Defense Network DOES Work: Northrop -- Breaking Defense

The Army thinks its next fight is underground, and DARPA's solution may be a horde of robot helpers straight out of sci-fi -- Business Insider

Trump appointee recommends NSA, Cyber Command remain under same leader -- The Hill

The Air Force is working on a new dress blues uniform — and it’s going old school -- Air Force Times

Trump cancels military parade, blaming DC for cost -- The Hill

Children poisoned by lead on U.S. Army bases as hazards go ignored -- Reuters

Is the U.S. Military Getting Ready to Dump 'Stealth' Weapons? -- Michael Peck, National Interest

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