Friday, August 17, 2018

World News Briefs -- August 17, 2018

ABC News: US says number of Muslim minorities in Chinese internment camps may be 'in the millions'

The U.S. is expressing alarm that China may be detaining "millions" of Uighurs and other Muslim minorities in a "worsening crackdown" in the country's inaccessible western region Xinjiang.

The new number comes one week after a United Nations panel reported that an estimated 1 million Uighurs are being held in "counterextremism centers" with millions more detained in "reeducation camps for political and cultural indoctrination."

The Uighurs are a majority-Muslim, Turkic-speaking ethnic group in western China. While the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region has some independence in name, it has increasingly come under strict, police state rule by the Chinese government. The crackdown on Uighur independence goes back to the founding of communist China under Mao Zedong, but analysts say the new surveillance state -- that uses tools like facial recognition technology -- is unprecedented.

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Syria’s last rebel stronghold girds for regime assault.

Syria: US preparing for final stage of anti-Isis push despite $200m funding cut.

Iraq says its warplanes killed 28 ISIL members in eastern Syria.

UN invites Yemen government and Huthis to peace talks.

'Two Palestinians killed, hundreds injured' in clashes with Israeli Army at Gaza border.

Turkish high court rejects appeal for US pastor Brunson's release. Turkey refuses to release pastor despite threat of US sanctions.

Istanbul locals feeling the pinch of Turkey's economic crisis.

S&P lowers Turkey's credit rating deeper into junk territory.


Afghan President Ashraf Ghani visits Ghazni after Taliban siege.

Erik Prince's proposal to privatize Afghanistan war not under consideration, NSC says.

China's top diplomat says cooperation with Iran to continue: Xinhua.

Moment Imran Khan elected Prime Minister of Pakistan.

One year after crisis began, US sanctions Myanmar military over Rohingya ethnic cleansing.

With world's attention on Rohingya Muslims, Christians in Burma also face brutal persecution.

Japan must do more for WWII 'comfort women': UN experts.

Death toll from India monsoon rises to 324; 200,000 homeless.


Somali Puntland forces recapture strategic town from al Shabaab: officer.

Kabila slams foreign 'blackmail' ahead of DR Congo vote.

Congo Ebola outbreak kills 44 as aid workers struggle to contain spread in conflict zone.

Medical staff targeted in Cameroon's English-speaking regions.

In northeast Nigerian camp, one in 200 young children 'died over two weeks'.

Angola court acquits 13 Cabinda separatists.

MSF launches emergency aid after dozens of children die in Nigeria camp.

Madagascar president confirms bid for second term.


Eurozone bailout programme is finally over.

Montenegro deploys army to border with Albania.

Merkel comments on upcoming meeting with Putin.

Italy opens probe into operator of collapsed bridge, investors dump shares.

Germany and Greece seal migrant return deal.

NATO confirms German troops to spearhead 'Trident Juncture' exercises.

Anger as Austria's foreign minister invites Putin to her wedding.

Muslim couple are denied Swiss citizenship because they refuse to shake hands with members of the opposite sex.


Trump doubles down on security clearances, former officials slam move.

Trump defends ex-aide Manafort as jury ends second day of deliberations.

Manafort trial Day 14: Jury 'scared' as it prepares to head home without a verdict.

Judge in Manafort trial says he's been threatened over case.

CNN Poll: 6 in 10 say Trump too friendly toward Russia.

Rand Paul to ask Trump to lift sanctions on Russian leaders.

US government still holds 565 immigrant children.

Inflation-wracked Venezuela forced to end cheap oil and gas.

UN: Brazil’s jailed ex-president Lula can't be disqualified from election.

Peru says no sign of Venezuelans sought by Maduro over drone blasts.


Arrest of Sacramento ISIS suspect one of several terror cases prosecuted in region.

First on CNN: Al Qaeda's master bomb maker may be dead, UN says.

Former al-Qaeda foot soldiers have been allowed into Yemen forces, admits UAE military.

Manchester mosque denies 'military jihad' support.


Wall Street rises on upbeat trade news.

Tesla's value plunges by $5.5BILLION after tearful CEO Elon Musk pleads for someone to take his job and admits relying on Ambien as friends fear for his health - but says he wasn't 'on weed' when he sent privatization tweet.

Trump calls for end to quarterly reporting.

After employee revolt, Google says it is “not close” to launching search in China.


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  2. And all along I thought the Republicans won the White House, the Senate, and Congress...but here of course the Democrats are at fault

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