Sunday, August 19, 2018

Taliban Leader Demands US Withdraw From Afghanistan

US military advisers work with Afghan soldiers at an Afghan army base in Maidan Wardak province, Afghanistan, on 6 August. Photograph: James Mackenzie/Reuters

Long War Journal: Taliban leader demands US withdraw from Afghanistan, blasts government as ‘corrupt regime’

In a new statement, the Taliban claims America has been militarily defeated in Afghanistan, demands the withdrawal of American forces and criticizes religious gatherings for ruling that the conflict is a civil war between Afghans.

The Taliban also denounces the Afghan government as a “corrupt regime” that is “based in Kabul and forced upon the Afghan people at the expense of [a] huge American military” effort.

The message is attributed to the Taliban’s emir, Hibatullah Akhundzada, who became the leader of the group in 2016.*

There is no hint in Akhundzada’s message that the Taliban’s senior leadership is seriously considering the prospect of reconciling with the Afghan government — a central goal of the current American-led war effort.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The Taliban are making it very clwear that they are not interested in the peace process.

More News On The Taliban Leader Demanding The US Withdraw From Afghanistan

Taliban Chief: US Offers to End Afghan War 'Neither Rational Nor Practical' -- VOA
Taliban Chief invites US to talks to ‘Reach Understanding’ to end the ongoing war -- Khaama Press
Taliban say no peace with 'occupation,' want US talks -- AP
Resurgent Taliban Demands Talks with US -- Western Journal


Anonymous said...

It's hard to see what the US will do. The Taliban is right - the Afghan government is so bizarrely corrupt that it is nauseating to any civilized person (referring to the widespread use of underage transgender prostitutes/mistresses). Also their reliance on opium as a revenue source. The Afghan govt is rotten to the core and will collapse as soon as the US withdraws.

On the other hand, if the US leaves, then Al Quida, ISIS and all the other Islamic terror groups have a safe place from which to operate. They will oppress and terrorize the nations women. They too rely on Opium revenues.

What a rotten world we have.

Roger Smith said...

Send in Johnny K. With no authority of course. That should tie the situation up while the points these school burning cave dwellers have accumulated in the press for their Tet-like attack in Ghazani recedes from memory.
What I don't understand here is the accepted on going self serving dishonesty within this government and why the Afghan Taliban are so successful as compared to much of the Afghan military. Perhaps we should take a lesson in motivating people. I always read that these afghans are revenge minded and tenacious fighters from way back. When your schools and health clinics are commonly targets then where is the revenge factor vis a vis the Taliban and their targets?

Mike Feldhake said...

Again I say; build strong bases with large killing fields around them and patrol from the sky. All US/NATO partners and no Iraqi's so no Blue on Grey. Then stay the long course.