Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Just Do It!

Reuters: Nike shares hit as Kaepernick ad spurs boycott

Shares of Nike Inc (NKE.N) fell 3 percent on Tuesday as calls for a boycott of the sportswear giant gained traction on social media following its choice of Colin Kaepernick as a face for the 30th anniversary of its “Just Do It” slogan.

Former San Francisco quarterback Kaepernick, the first NFL player to kneel during the national anthem as a protest against racism, posted a black-and-white close-up of himself on Instagram on Monday featuring the Nike logo and “Just do it” slogan, along with the quote: “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.”

Read more ....

Update #1: Colin Kaepernick Named Face of Nike's 30th Anniversary of 'Just Do It' Campaign (Bleacher Report)
Update #2: Nike Falls as Critics Fume on Social Media Over Kaepernick Deal (Bloomberg)
Update #3: People are destroying their Nike shoes and socks to protest Nike's Colin Kaepernick ad campaign (Business Insider)

WNU Editor: So Nike made the decision that by announcing Colin Kaepernick to be the new face of Nike .... even if it meant dissing-off half of America (if not more) .... they would actually sell more product and make more money. Here is an easy prediction .... sales will drop and people in Nike are going to be fired over this. Talk about damaging your brand name. My only regret is that I wish I knew they were going to do this before they had announced it .... because I would have shorted Nike stock big time.


Anonymous said...

Maduro believes in something.
Castro believed in something.
Pol Pot believed in something.
Hitler believed in something.
Mao believed in something.

So according to Nike, those thugs are doing it the Nike way. Shows just dumb advertising has become.

Anonymous said...


Yeah that’s him at 1:48


manstien said...

Mind bottling.

Anonymous said...

MAGA chuds unite! Burn all your Nike gear after you paid for it and padded Phil Knights' wallet to own the libs!

Nike's profits will rise just like the NFL's ratings have risen over the last year. As a percentage of people who are watching television, the NFL is commanding its biggest audience in the history of the league.

Sunday night football is the highest rated TV show for the seventh straight season. Facts. SAD! Checkmate libs.

fred said...

this post represents a political position rather than having anything of substance to say about war, military matters, jihad and, as such, weakens the overall quality of the site and its announced purpose.
now let the name calling against me begin

Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone needs to start their own blog...

Anonymous said...

Did someone mention jihad?


Anonymous said...

I don't think that Nike gives a dam# what the alt-right and bitter old, pasty white bigots think or buy. Nor should they.

Anonymous said...

WNU must have passed a threshold for Web visits to bring out the trolls who ruin the comment sections on other sites that toe a differing viewpoint than the standard numskull left talking points for that day.

Just a carpenter. said...

Can't wait to get some of those Kapernik Knee Pads..

Anonymous said...

He’s definitely not the first nor last poor sucker to let a woman ruin his life.

Anon #87 said...

Nike's losses now exceed $4 Billion.

What a magnificent ad campaign you've got there,Nike!

Anonymous said...

A nation's military might depends in part on its' morale.

Therefore anything Kaepernick is topical.

Anonymous said...

"this post represents a political position rather than having anything of substance to say about war, military matters, jihad"

A post about Caper-nick is directly about military matters?

It is, but you have to de-'edumacate' some people to prove it.

Caper-nick is tearing at the fabric of the nation and so is divisive and lowering morale. So it is about the military affairs.

Since politics and military affect each of the and always will a political response to the Caper-nick story is apropos.

Anonymous said...

"Politics is war by other means" - Waldo

"War is politics by other means" -Carl von Clausewitz

It would take a village idiot not know about the converse of a statement.

Oh wait, we have a village idiot. At least he can wear shoes and doesn't make messes.

