Monday, September 3, 2018

Responding To Reports That Iran Deployed Ballistic Missiles In Iraq, Israel Warns It Will Hit Iranian Targets Outside Of Syria

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman visits a Patriot missile battery in northern Israel.Gil Eliahu

Haaretz/Reuters: Israel Signals It Could Hit Iranian Targets in Iraq

Responding to reports about Iranian ballistic missile deployment in Iraq, Defense Minister Lieberman says 'we retain total freedom of action, will not limit ourselves to Syria'

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman signaled on Monday that Israel could attack suspected Iranian military assets in Iraq, as it has done with scores of airstrikes in war-torn Syria.

Citing Iranian, Iraqi and Western sources, Reuters reported last week that Iran had transferred short-range ballistic missiles to Shi'ite allies in Iraq in recent months. Tehran and Baghdad formally denied that report.

Read more ....

Update: Iran shifts military asserts into Iraq, drawing condemnation from Israel and US secretary of state (SCMP/Reuters).

WNU Editor: The Israel - Iran conflict appears to be spreading.


  1. Israel not to worry, says Trump...I am there for you when my golfing is done for the year

    1. Israel needs no help from Trump or anyone, it is David vs Goliath.

  2. My son, moron, served in an elite Israeli military outfit. Fuck you
    work a 5 day week? Used to be 6 day week till a hateful liberal lefty gave us all 5 days...

    1. Can you please stop the swearing, Fred?

  3. So your son may be a Jew, but that does not prove that you are.

    Children often rebel against their parents.

    So what are the chances that he is the opposite of you?

    You want to Thank Republican President Ulysses Grant or the Ford Motor Company?

    That is very kind of you. Are you feeling well?

    "September 25, 1926: Ford Motor Companies adopted a five-day, 40-hour workweek."

  4. America got the 5 day week under FDR...the entire nation not one company responsible for it

    here is socialism for you
    do you think I have to prove something to a person who hides behind an anonymous name like a coward?

    1. I wonder if the folks in the internment camps enjoyed the 5 day work week?

  5. The real question here is why the editor lets somebody named Anonymous continuously personally attack another reader. I read this blog because I like the articles. I don’t care if The articles lean to the left or the right because I like to be a well rounded reader. But the comment section takes a lot out of this blog. How can anybody learn if they do not hear another opinion but their own. Disagreeing intelligently is lost in these comments.

    1. Don't ruin our fun, lm just waiting for the popcorn to pop.

  6. Why does the editor allow one poster continuously attack anyone not a Democrat?

    Sure a person loves McCain today, but if he had not died and had run for president again, the long knives would have come out.

    The editor has stated before that Leftists comment more, but conservatives message him more.

    One reason I think is because people like Fred continually attack anyone, who defends non-liberals.

  7. I think you meant to write, "The apartheid state, Israel, warns it will..."

    Now it's accurate.

  8. What I write, when altered, is changed because an editor suggests a change. I do not have alterations made by a person going by the name Anon

  9. Funny,

    Contemporary supporter of "The Cause", Aizononymous invokes the name of Grant, a President of a party it would have never voted for.

    Just when you thought you heard it all, this thing uses a hero of the Union to sew innuendo and bait a Jew over the subject of hours of work.

    Absolutely shameless.


    But shameless.

    Was Henry Ford hiring Jews at the time he was graciously granting the work week referenced? Was this before or after he peddled The Protocols by the way?

    Please spare us the set up escape plan whereby you claim to use Ford out of ambivalence to anti-semitism.

    We already know your shtick: ZioNazis ++ good - Lib, secular, Marxist Jews (and any others) bad.

    Don't worry Fred,

    Trump does a better job of supporting Israeli/Zionist interests than he does those of the U.S. He's even better at 'forgetting' to tweet about 100 Israeli citizens holding past/present positions in the U.S. Gov.

    The Cause was/is always about keeping people in shackles - even if it meant/means treason.

    We know very well the people on the plantation never knew a forty hour work week before or after Grant kicked The Cause.

    Aizononymous, the anti-Reconstructionist, putative human being, supports apartheid through and through. It isn't kidding anyone. Especially not Conservatives who message The Editor.

    They hear its dog whistles loud and clear.

  10. In a perfect world, a combined strike package of US jets and cruise missiles, plus IDF, Saudi and Egyptian fighter jets would smash the Iranian missile batteries.


    But it'll likely be just US/IDF. And probably right in the middle of ZAPAD 18 and the Russia/Assad strike on the rebels.


