Monday, September 3, 2018

Second Man On The Moon Buzz Aldrin 'Appears To Criticize' Neil Armstrong Movie 'First Man'

Aldrin, who was the second man to land on the moon after crew-mate Neil Armstrong, tweeted a picture of the flag planted after their landing in 1969

Daily Mail: 'Proud to be American': SECOND man on the Moon Buzz Aldrin shames Neil Armstrong biopic for not showing planting of US flag with his own patriotic pics after movie portrayed him as 'obnoxious loudmouth'

* First Man, starring Ryan Gosling, opened the Venice Film Festival on Wednesday
* The film chronicles Neil Armstrong's life from 1961 to the Moon landing in 1969
* Critics noted it leaves out the moment Armstrong plants a US flag on the Moon
* Gosling explained that the achievement 'transcended countries and borders'

Buzz Aldrin appeared to criticize Neil Armstrong biopic First Man for leaving out the planting of the American flag on the Moon.

The 88-year-old, who was the second man to set foot on the Moon, on Sunday tweeted a picture of the flag planted after the landing in 1969.

He captioned the photo: 'Proud to be an American.' Aldrin also re-tweeted a photo of him saluting next to the same picture.

It is an apparent dig at Oscar-winning director Damian Chazelle's controversial decision not to include the planting of the flag at the end of his critically acclaimed movie.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Buzz Aldrin is definitely criticizing the decision to not show the planting of the U.S. flag on the moon. The decision not to include the planting of the flag is causing blow-back that I  suspect the promoters of the film never expected would happen .... which again reveals how out-of-touch Hollywood is with the public.


  1. the need to carry out this further lessen the reality of the Moon expedition and turns it into a tabloid piece
    We had the film. We had the arguement from both sides. Why the need to carry on the issue other than to make an extended editorial piece (opinon piece) that has already been made at this site?

  2. Fred,
    Because this story is not dead. It is only going to intensify when it opens up in theaters, and deservedly so.

  3. Buzz criticises Leftist filmmaker, who criticises the U.S. by omission (i.e. the Redacted flag)

    Fred in a sidestepping way criticises Buzz. You knew that Fred was going to carry the water on that one.

    Did anyone believe that Fred would not criticise Buzz or try to downplay the issue so as the Leftwing not take such a hard hit?

  4. Fusion
    I think Anon needs to be disabled. There are some here not using real names anyway, and then there are some here with fake names and then also using Anon for the same article!

  5. I will go along with the editor. Let the market decide on the film (that is capitalism)

  6. We’ll see what the academy awards ceremony has to say on the subject...I wouldn’t bet against this movie getting several nominations (whether it deserves it or not) as well as rousing (my side is better than yours) speech, maybe a group kneel just for good measures. As I say this in jest, most of you know (sadly) that this won’t be far from the truth.

  7. Death to the anti-American scum that made this crappy movie!!!!

  8. This link presents two positions and suggests withholding criticism until the film is seen in full

  9. The culture wars between the left and the right is not tabloid sensationalism, it is a deadly serious conflict about the as-yet unwritten future of the US and the world.
