Tuesday, January 1, 2019

German Chancellor Merkel Vows A Greater International Role For Germany

Euronews: Merkel vows greater international role for Germany in 2019

Chancellor Angela Merkel will begin this evening's New Year address with an apology to German citizens for the political chaos her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and their coalition partners, the Social Democrats, put the country through in 2018.

"Openness, tolerance and respect. These values have made our country strong, we must work together for them."
Angela Merkel Chancellor of Germany

But her speech is also directed at a global audience, as she outlines a greater international role for Germany in 2019:

Read more ....

WNU Editor: She is all for Germany having a greater role in international affairs as long as it does not involve sending soldiers into conflict zones, or listening to the concerns of her allies as she pushes to have even greater access to Russian energy resources. But open borders and implementing international restrictions and taxes on climate change .... she is all for it.

More News On German Chancellor Merkel Vowing A Greater International Role For Germany

Merkel vows Germany will keep pushing for 'global solutions' -- FOX News/AP
Angela Merkel vows Germany will keep pushing for ’global solutions’ -- The Telegraph
Angela Merkel: Germany will take on more global responsibility -- Al Jazeera.
Germany wants to stop the world from descending into the chaos it once caused -- Quartz


Anonymous said...

At least, if we were going to have a dumb blond, could we not have a good looking one?

RussInSoCal said...

Merkel is Exhibit A of transnational progressivism.



Anonymous said...

The nasty piss stain this woman has left on the world never stops amazing me. I live nowhere near Europe but I will celebrate the day she is gone...