Thursday, August 29, 2019

This Is How China Hopes To Crush Hong Kong

Brendon Hong, Daily Beast: Inside Beijing’s Toolbox to Crush Hong Kong

The Chinese Communist Party is betting it won’t have to send tanks to end the revolt. It’s got the cops, surveillance, and even a replacement “international city” in the works.

SHENZHEN/HONG KONG—For more than two weeks, rows of armored vehicles have been parked outside and within the walls of a stadium in Shenzhen. A contingent of the People’s Armed Police, a paramilitary force that specializes in riot control and security matters, has been stationed within the sporting ground. The Global Times, one of the Chinese government’s state-run media outlets, says that the security forces are there for drills. Yet as unrest in Hong Kong escalates with every passing weekend, and occasional episodes that remind Hong Kongers of the 1989 military crackdown at Tiananmen Square, it’s natural to wonder: is Beijing about to send in its own forces, maybe even the PLA—the People’s Liberation Army?

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WNU Editor: This Beijing approach will fail.


  1. Of course Beijing will fail.

    Free people will never wear shackles again!!!

    Maybe that's why the Chinese party also hates our Black brothers. They know they will tell them what's up. And it won't be pretty either haha :P

  2. Beijng's strategy to make another Chinese city "free" will only spread the "disease" of freedom. They do not know what they are doing. Over and over and over they embarrass themselves. Who is running the show? Clowns? Amateurs? Xi himself? Would explain a lot :D

  3. I agree with you Anon. If they wanted to succeed they should have clamped down already and sorted this out.

    You have to admire the protestors though. You can bet organizers back in America, and elsewhere, are learning how it is done for real impact. You have to wonder how the American police/military would handle such a long and ferocious similar protest. Armed military-like vehicles for sure and perhaps even a tank or two. Oh and kettling for sure.
