Thursday, August 29, 2019

Tweets For Today


  1. The measles out break in Europe tells me two things.

    1) People do not trust the MSM.

    2) Merkel's immigration policy is at fault.

  2. Touchscreen voting booth was changing votes from Republican to Democrat.

    The reason we are using computers is because Democrat voters are too stupid to use a butterfly ballot. It confuses the poor dears.

    "Trump to Lift Logging Restrictions in America's Largest National Forest: A Climate Change Threat 'Like the Fires Burning in the Amazon,' Warns Expert"

    There are more fires in Africa than South America. For some reason it is forbidden for liberals to talk about the fires in Africa. If they acknowledge there fires in Africa, then they have to do something about it. If they don;t they will be seen as they are.


    So Mums the word.

    Many of the fires in South America are intentionally set to clear brush in order to harvest sugar cane. So NASA photos from space do not adequately describe what is actually happening on the ground.

    Trump & Mattis.

    Along the border Trump is replacing old fence on the border with new, better fence.

    He is replacing car barriers with new fence.

    Never have I seen so much done in so little time. Trump has doe more than Clinton, GWB ,and Obasma combined.

    So much for Mattis.

  3. right! and that is why his poll numbers are so very high..higher than any president ever...

  4. MAGA
    got new fix on infrastrjucture and a health plan that is the best in the world and closed the gap for middle class incomes and ended opioid crisis and fixed education costs and got Iran and N. Korea to give up nuke development and got Venz to dump elected leader and told and got Russians to leave Venezuela and Cuba and China to get out of Africa and to stop building islands

    1. "infrastrjucture" successful trolls spell much better, please try again.

  5. Fox News' Shepard Smith Shreds Trump Over False Claims About Border Wall, Puerto Rico: 'There's No New Wall... Not True'

  6. Replies
    1. Says the guy who taught Lawrence O'Donnell!

  7. Re; Hong Kong. If they threatened to cancel the new school year, even a couple of months delay, if the protests didn't stop, the protestors would lose support and be thrown into a state of chaos, perhaps divided enough to deal with.

  8. 10:09

    Ever since the 2000 election polls have been suspect. Zogby predicted correctly and the others were way off. A person has to look at the internal of the polls such as sample size and weighting for liberal or conservative.

    The Chinese military are not the only ones full of hubris.

  9. Chicom Bob Huntley on the side of freedom.
