Friday, August 30, 2019

Tweets For Today


  1. Replacing gasoline-powered cars with EVs just in California would require:

    -- 134% of global cobalt production;
    -- 67% of global neodymium;
    -- 50% of global lithium; and
    -- 34% of global

    Poor environmental dunces and libtards

  2. and so, smarty pants what is
    trump doing about environment?

  3. 8:29

    Dear Libtard & dunce,

    The statistics were given in the tweet and copied by me in the post to show that it is infeasible.

    If California would try, the price of those metals would skyrockets making it infeasible for the average person to afford.

    Those metals have to be mined, smelted, refined and the formed into parts. All that take energy and you do not get that type of energy from solar, wind, unicorn farts or liberal shit.

    The most an English major would do about the environment is scrawl a poem about smokestacks and smoke. Don't expect an English major or other mouth breather to understand about ore quality or costs.
