Thursday, September 26, 2019

President Trump Wants To Know Who Is The Whistle-Blower, And Who Are His Sources

New York Times: Trump Attacks Whistle-Blower’s Sources and Alludes to Punishment for Spies

WASHINGTON — President Trump on Thursday morning told a crowd of staff from the United States Mission to the United Nations that he wants to know who provided information to a whistle-blower about his phone call with the president of Ukraine, saying that whoever did so was “close to a spy” and that “in the old days,” spies were dealt with differently.

The remark stunned people in the audience, according to a person briefed on what took place, who had notes of what the president said. Mr. Trump made the statement about several minutes into his remarks before the group of about 50 people at the event intended to honor the United States Mission. At the outset, he condemned the former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s role in Ukraine at a time when his son Hunter Biden was on the board of a Ukrainian energy company.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The President's musings on how spies were treated in the past are just that .... musings. That U.S. does not exist anymore. But President Trump's concerns on who talked to this whistle-blower are justified. The President's national security staff play an incredibly important role for the President, and he has to trust the explicitly. But this whistle-blower complaint is essentially claiming that the President's own national security staff are trying their best to undermine him .... Trump is facing the biggest firestorm of his presidency because his own staffers blew the whistle on him (Business Insider). This is an impossible situation, and these claims have to be addressed. My prediction. The identity of this whistle-blower and those who talked to him will become known very quickly to the President (if not already).

Update: New York Times is now saying that the whistle-blower is a CIA officer detailed to the White House.


Anonymous said...

Meanwhile so far Democrats break laws with impunity.

AOC Fails to Pay Back Taxes, Succeeds in Drawing a Primary Challenger

There is an ancient saying.

You can take the girl out of the bar, but can you take the bar out of the girl?

Democrats, if you re-elect her, you deserve all the excrement you will step-in.

Anonymous said...

If people get a raise, they spend more right up tot the limit of their new income.

Okay that is human nature.

But to do so in the 1st year and go beyond to living beyond your means.

This person votes on taxes and the budget?

fred said...

Whistle-Blower Is a C.I.A. Officer Who Was Detailed to the White House - The New York Times

Anonymous said...

Whistle-Blower Is a C.I.A. Officer Who Was Detailed to the White House - The New York Times

Then we know who he is. There cannot be many of those. Can count the on one hand for 3 years or on 1 finger for the last 6 months.

The fucker can join Valerie Plame in running for Congress.

He also could take off his clothes for Playgirl. Valerie did not take off her clothes for Playboy, but she considered it.

Maybe the fucker can be hired by Brennan as a gopher, since he is doing Brennan's bidding and is his butt boy.

The Curious Congressional Bid of Valerie Plame

RussInSoCal said...

CNN Analyst [Phil Mudd] Condemns Whistleblower Complaint: Intel Community Should Not ‘Snitch’ on Trump to Congress

“Boy, I’m about ready to blow a gasket—that is extremely unusual,” Mudd howled. “Can you explain to me, A) why it’s the U.S. intelligence community’s responsibility to listen to the president of the United States speaking to a foreign leader and, B) why did the U.S. intelligence community—under the rules provided by the Democrats in Congress—are responsible to report to the Congress what the president of the United States says.”

Cuomo, somewhat taken aback by Mudd’s criticism, wanted to confirm that Mudd didn’t “like that somebody snitched on the president.”

Mudd went on to say that the only whistleblower issues with the intel community should revolve around in-house policing such as misuse of funds, prompting Cuomo to wonder what they should do if the president promised something that was “over the line.”

“What the heck is over the line?!” Mudd shouted. “The president can say what he wants to Putin, he can say what he wants to Kim Jong Un!”

He added: “The president can say what he wants. It’s not the responsibility of the intel guys to go police the president and go snitch on him to the Congress. Ridiculous!”

Anonymous said...

"My time is a bit precious…at least for me, so when i go to a site and have to click and click and keep clicking to read one article, then farewell to that site..I never go beyond a second click. "

Proof that the not so bright is a mere headline reader and is the perfect malleable mush for dirty rags like CNN, NYT & WaPo.

Anonymous said...

Obama politicized the DOJ, FBI, IRS and Intelligence agencies and much more. This was a disaster at the time, many realized it and now everybody sees the damages. A CIA White House staffer under partisan guidance wrote this sewage of a whistle blower report. We know because the Dems voted to impeach without the public reading it. But they knew what was in the whistle blower account.

A future President, Dem or GOP cant trust the Intelligence agencies anymore. This is a catastrophe for the Republic. Distrust among intelligence agencies led to 9/11. Whats next now that trust is shattered? Nukes going off in our cities?

The whistle blower should be outed, he lied and dissembled for partisan gain. He should be deeply investigated for his motives and all the people he connived in writing the fraud.

Bob Huntley said...

Ultimately the intel people work for those who pay their salaries, the people of the country, not for the President, or, for Congress. Perhaps if they had done their jobs there would not have been an Iraq II, maybe not even a 9/11.