Monday, September 23, 2019

Russian Defense Chief: U.S. Could Cut Military Budget If It Stopped Attacking Other Nations

Newsweek: Russian Defense Chief Says U.S. Could Cut Military Budget If It Stopped Attacking Other Nations

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has suggested that the "huge" U.S. military budget could be cut if American foreign policy was less aggressive.

In an interview with Russian newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets published on Sunday, Shoigu said Russian armed forces were more concerned with defense of the country rather than force projection, and would prioritize weapons to level the playing field with the U.S. military.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has overseen a significant increase in the nation's military budget, seeking to modernize the armed forces and become a world leader in military technology. The country now has the sixth highest military expenditure in the world at some $61.4 billion in 2018, though it still lags far behind the U.S.'s $649 billion. The below chart, from Statista, shows the relative military spending of various nations.

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WNU Editor:  I look forward to the day when the U.S. does have that debate on why are they are spending so much on defense, but that is not going to happen anytime soon.


Anonymous said...

I find your post comment disappointing.

The cost of the Afghan war is broken out form the rest of the defense budget. With or without it, the US budget would still dwarf Russia's.

Part of the reason is purchasing power parity.

Another part I would say is quality management mandated by the government. Plus other things

Everything costs more in America than other countries. About 2 decades ago I purchased software in another country and brought it home. It did not work and I got a crash course in digital rights management.

I thought that they make the product in the other country, why should I pay for it like I was a Las Vegas whale?

This extends to not only software and content but to drugs. Part of the drug price is tougher standards, which is good thing judging by some of the stories of the problems with Chinese drugs they are finding. Part of it is that we are just getting jacked.


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Anonymous said...

Well, without the US, much of NATO would be gone. And without NATO/USA, much of Europe would be invaded by Russia and subsequently by China. Russia would start picking the north eastern countries (already has started) and some of the south eastern (already has started too). So yeah, US spending is also to keep the crazy regimes like in Iran, North Korea, Russia and China in check. On top some crazy militant infested countries like Somalia.. Without USA ensuring freedom of navigation in that area, Somali pirates would be a bigger problem, unless you avoid the coastal area completely by a few hundred kilometers of coast.

I'm European and I'm quite happy that the US military exists << Having said that, all the "collateral damage" they cause with likely thousands of civilians killed over the last decade is just not acceptable. There have to be consequences, yes, even if it is the USA. Their track record is surely better though than Russians, who likely killed tens of thousands of civilians in Syria alone. They don't give a fuck, that's why no one would want Russia to lead the world lol we'd all be dead. And while we are at it, no one wants China to rule the world either, then we are all in re-education camps, like the Udur.. blind folded, head shaved, like Guantanamo (just that in Guantanamo there is only 40 prisoners, in China you perhaps have 1 million Urdus in prison like this.. think about it)

Roger Smith said...

Yep, anon. We can be ragged at the edges, sometimes. And we can elect obama's but how many are sneaking across the border into Iran, Maduro-land, China, etc.?