Thursday, January 23, 2020

US Army Begins Largest War Exercise In Europe Since The Cold War

Stars and Stripes: Army’s biggest exercise in Europe for 25 years begins at US motor pools

STUTTGART, Germany – The largest exercise in Europe for U.S. forces in 25 years will kick off Thursday at motor pools in the U.S., where soldiers will begin loading tanks and other gear for transport to the Continent, the Army said.

About 20,000 pieces of military equipment must be deployed from the U.S. for Defender-Europe 20, which will involve large-scale combat drills and test the military’s ability to rapidly move large numbers of forces across the Atlantic Ocean.

Units from Fort Hood, Fort Bliss and Fort Stewart will load vehicles, heavy equipment and supplies for rail transport and onward shipping, the Army said in a statement Tuesday. Defender-Europe will include about 20,000 U.S.-based soldiers, 9,000 European-based U.S. troops, and 8,000 troops from 17 allied nations, the Army said.

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Update #1: US Army Begins Largest War Exercise In Europe In Decades (Zero Hedge)
Update #2: U.S. Army begins movement for Europe’s largest exercise (Defence Blog)

WNU Editor: This exercise will occur over the next few months, and will involve about 37,000 troops.

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