Thursday, February 27, 2020

Can U.S. Senator Sanders Beat President Trump In November?

Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Senetor Bernie Sanders speaks with voters at the First in the South Dinner in Charleston, South Carolina, U.S., February 24, 2020. REUTERS/Randall Hill

Reuters: Can Sanders beat Trump? A growing number of Democratic voters say yes

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Bernie Sanders’ Democratic presidential rivals warn that nominating the self-described democratic socialist will ensure President Donald Trump’s re-election, but a growing number of the party’s voters see the senator as their best chance of winning in November.

Sanders’ dominating performance in last week’s Nevada caucuses, powered by growing support across age, race and ideology, has set off alarm bells among Democratic Party officials who believe putting the progressive stalwart at the top of the ticket will harm the party’s chances up and down the ballot.

Sanders’ electability was a prime topic at Tuesday’s Democratic presidential debate in South Carolina. Rivals contended his ambitious liberal policy ideas, such as Medicare for All, which would replace private health insurance, would be an electoral “catastrophe,” costing the party the White House and control of Congress.

Read more ....

Update: This Is Not McGovern’s America: Crazy Bernie Can Win It All (Issues & Insights).

WNU Editor: Senator Sanders has been boasting for the past week that most polls show that he can defeat President Trump in November. As to what is my take. I have my doubts. The U.S. electorate does not lean hard-left, and the polls that I trust are reflecting that .... Trump Thumps Sanders in Head-to-Head Matchup (Rasmussen). But the election is still 8 months away, and anything can happen between now and then.


Anonymous said...

The regular Democrat voters will vote for the communist.

10% or 20% may stay home or vote Trump, but the majority of Democrat voters will vote for Bernie. He'll gt at least 30% of the vote and may be north of 40%.

The Democrat voters are dishonest to themselves and to others.

- First they want Medicare for all.

- It won't work and then they will want to nationalize medicine and tell doctors what tom do and how much they make.

- Then they will nationalize everything else, while coyly or indignantly say they are not communist and if they are "What of it?!"

An example?

First, Hugo Chavez took over the oil industry. When that didn't work he took over the concrete industry and so on and so forth.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:38,

You made an assertion without proof.

Since, when under socialized medicine, does the government not tell doctors how much they are going to make?

Prove your point little dog ... with something other than yapping or tail wagging.

Bob Huntley said...

If providing basic primary care to all Americans requires some form of cost and price setting to control costs, then they best do it ASAP. Get over it. Among other things it will serve to institute, at least in part, a fair tax on the wealthy.

Imagine having a government that dares to set controls on its people. If you were in charge would you let people drive as fast as they please, or, would you make Americans toe the line on speed limits?

Same kind of issue.

Anonymous said...

The shogun set price controls It didn't work. Japan stagnated.

Nixon set priced controls they failed.

Maybe Bob should stick to paying attention to driving on the correct side of the road as he tours Scotland with his GF who is old enough to be his mother.

God knows Bob did not study basic economics.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Bob should study the origins of the Japanese stock market.

Or buy a clue.

Anonymous said...

Bob could not define and defend a fair tax.

He likes to use very nebulous words, because the are very imprecise and he has lots wiggle room to squirm, lie and prevaricate.

A fair tax could me anywhere from 0% to 110% or more. Give us a number Bob or live like a huckster.

Bob Huntley said...


Once again I hit the nerve and all you can respond with is senseless vitriol.

Anonymous said...

Calling you a prevaricator is vitriol? If that is what you think you must have grown up in a cave with on blind cave fish as companions.

I suggest you avoid the Sun Bob as its antiseptic rays might hurt you more than any vampire.

And stay away from the Sword of Shannara.

Bob Huntley said...

"He likes to use very nebulous words, because the are very imprecise"

As opposed to using words/examples that have nothing to do with a given subject or what a person posted as you most often do.

Anonymous said...

That is rich coming form liar like you Bob.

Bob Huntley said...

Truth nonethelss but I am very glad you appreciated it, grasshopper.

Anonymous said...

Poor Bob, with you health habits it is looking pretty bad for you. You are slothful and none too bright. I think the corona virus will do a number on you. You are sure to catch seeing where and with whom you hang out with.

Bob Huntley said...

Your only resource is avoidance.

Anonymous said...

If you say so, while you pound the keyboard in your 1 bedroom flat.