Saturday, February 29, 2020

Covid-19 Medical News -- News Updates February 29, 2020

Daily Mail: Study finds that Coronavirus could survive up to NINE DAYS outside the body - but common disinfectants and higher temperatures could kill the virus

* The human coronaviruses can remain infectious on inanimate surfaces for up to nine days at room temperature
* However, they can quickly be rendered inactive using common disinfectants, and may also dissipate at higher temperatures, the authors wrote
* It is not yet clear, however, whether the new coronavirus behaves in a similar way.
* 'On copper and steel it's pretty typical, it's pretty much about two hours,' CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield told US lawmakers on Thursday
* Disease experts say the new outbreak of the virus, named COVID-19, is mainly spread from person to person
* Contact with fecal matter from an infected person may also transmit the virus
* A man in Washington state has been confirmed as the first person to die from coronavirus in the United States

The coronavirus that has now killed one person in the United States is said to be able to survive up to nine days outside the human body, according to past studies.

An analysis of 22 earlier studies of similar coronaviruses, including Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) published online this month in the Journal of Hospital Infection, concluded that human coronaviruses can remain infectious on inanimate surfaces for up to nine days at room temperature.

Read more ....

Covid-19 Medical News -- News Updates February 29, 2020

What is coronavirus and what are the symptoms? -- James Gallagher, BBC
Coronavirus: All you need to know about symptoms and risks -- Al Jazeera
What happens if you catch the new coronavirus? -- Al Jazeera
How long is the coronavirus incubation period? -- DW
Coronavirus: What are the chances of dying? -- Robert Cuffe, BBC
Who is vulnerable to coronavirus? So far children appear safe from COVID-19 -- ABC News Online
Will warmer weather stop the spread of the coronavirus? -- Julia Vergin, DW
The 10 most common questions on the coronavirus answered -- Al Jazeera
‘To hell and back’: my three weeks suffering from coronavirus -- The Guardian
Coronavirus: China’s Chernobyl Or The Spanish Flu? -- Kenneth Rapoza, Forbes


  1. Democrats Demand Open Borders for the Coronavirus

    Their only hope for victory is infecting America.


  2. "Over 90 Chinese migrants were caught by the Border Patrol trying to enter the United States this year.

    ... on February 10, three Chinese nationals were apprehended illegally entering Texas with flu-like symptoms, and had to be quarantined.

    "Luckily they did not have the coronavirus," he said. "But this is a wake-up call.""

    This time!

    It takes 2 weeks to cross the Pacific on a slow boat. They could get into the US illegally without showing symptoms and under the Obama catch and release into the general population we could have a pandemic.

    Trump put an end to catch and release.

    DEM-o-crats want to bring it back.


  3. "We know that some of the CDC test kits meant to detect the coronavirus were flawed. It’s possible that migrants carrying the coronavirus have not been properly detected and may be spreading it even now."

    Chinese take out anyone?

    Corona virus can survive 9 days on a porous surface.


  4. "Illegal migration from China through the Mexican border rose significantly toward the end of last year, increasing fivefold from October to the end of January, compared to the entire previous fiscal year."

    In the midnight hour Pelosi cried more, more, more
    With a rebel yell Pelosi cried more, more, more
    In the midnight hour babe more, more, more
    With a rebel yell more, more, more
    More, more, more


  5. "The last thing that the border states need are infected illegal aliens coming through, blending into the population, and spreading the disease to health care workers, and in poor neighborhoods.

    But that’s exactly what the Democrats seem to want."



    As Bill De Blasio, Rahm Emanuel and other open-borders mayors threaten to obstruct ICE attempts to locate illegal aliens in their jurisdictions...

    "Elizabeth Warren has an immigration plan. Here are the highlights:

    Decriminalizes unauthorized immigration and returns to the civil enforcement we had before George Bush began Operation Streamline...

    Am I missing something here? Does Warren’s plan explicitly make it vanishingly unlikely that anyone crossing our border will ever be caught and sent back?"

    - Mother Jones

    "Other than offering some vague nods to “border security,” Democrats never put forth any policy that would prevent the hundreds of thousands of unknown people streaming into the U.S. Yet if you point out that the party doesn't care about securing the border, a confounded news anchor will insist, “Silly fool! Why, everyone supports border security!”

    It’s a cover-up for what Democrats truly believe in: An open border that discriminates against no one from anywhere." - Washington Examiner

    My conclusion is:

    - Someone is posting as FL and is trolling.
    - You have gone into decline. You should have a doctor test you.
    - You never were good. I have been meaning to checks out some books and prove or disprove that theory. God know I would not want to put money in your pocket.


  8. In a sanctuary city in a sanctuary state are their supermarket employees all legal?

    This is a just question to ask as liberal mayors, who pander to the whole world including Al Qaeda terrorists, are giving out ID's faster than they can print them.

    Is it safe to eat out or buy food at a grocery store?

    You never know where you are going to run across an illegal.

    Best to stay at home and boil wall paper for the carbohydrates in the glue. Yum! YUM!

  9. Thee is NO evidence that any elected Dem wants or has wanted open border...prove otherwise


  10. I already proved it.

    What do you call abolishing ICE and not having a wall?

    What do you call not deporting them when they have committed assault, murder, rape?

    I am beginning to think you have all sorts of porn. All sorts.

  11. "During the first Democratic debate in Miami, candidates who were asked directly if entering the United States without permission should be decriminalized, answered yes.

    Since then, they’ve doubled down. "

    "Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J) has taken things further and vowed — if elected — to essentially eliminate any kind of border detention through an executive order. His campaign released an 11-page policy document explaining the details."

    WALK LIKE a DEMOCRAT which means sashay in from of preschoolers during Drag Queen Story Hour.

  12. Cory was no longer a candidate...when? why cite what he says he might do? After all, Trump said he would give us a great health plan and???

  13. thus far, not one virus-infected person has been traced to our border!
    citing FrontPage? that is for truly dumb people...let them give evidence for their claims

  14. "thus far, not one virus-infected person has been traced to our border!
    citing FrontPage? that is for truly dumb people...let them give evidence for their claim"

    Unlike you the staff ,who are Jewish at FPM, observe the Sabbath.

    If a bootlegger with corona virus crosses the border illegally, they are much harder to trace than a person passing through customs at an airport. It is the nature of the contraband business.

    Just because you cannot find a case on day one does not mean that it has not or will not happen.

    So lets go another route. There are a lot of people with corona virus in China. People in China go to the US legally and illegally. Is it you theory that it is impossible for Chinese to come to the US illegally and have the corona virus? Please explain.

    The following is logical.

    Absence of proof is not proof of absence.

    Sometime this year someone will come across the border illegally, be caught, and be found to have corona virus.

  15. "here are some 22 million illegals in our country. Tell your leader to fix that!"

    He is doing just that.

    First he is going to fix the border and law enforcement. After he gets that done, he will propose amnesty. He will get it done.

    In the meantime Democrats are gumming up the works and going further left at light speed.

    With all you name calling, and illogical comments, I see you have given up posting under your name for the most part.

  16. Cory may yet end up in a Democrat maladministraiton.

    I gave an example. Web browsers typically give you a lot of chaff. de Blasio n also a former candidate was open borders.

    Warren who is still a candidate wants to abolish ICE. What do you think that means.

  17. All the thousands of cases of the virus in Italy etc all because of our border with Texas! a wall would have stopped the Virus!

  18. Earth to Fredo

    Earth to Fredo

    Come in Fredo.

    People flying fro, Italy to Texas can be screened at the airport. If they appear to have symptoms they can self quarantine. This info can be given to health care people so they can better track and deal with the virus.

    People who come in illegally are not screened

    See the difference?

    Appreciate the difference?

    Know the difference?
