Saturday, February 29, 2020

Norrth Korean Leader Kim Jong Un Threatens To Execute Politburo Members If They Fail To Contain Coronavirus Outbreak

Zero Hedge: Kim Jong Un Threatens To Execute Politburo Members If They Fail To Contain Coronavirus Outbreak

As the coronavirus death toll in Iran soars, with western media organizations reporting a death toll north of 200, North Korea has remained a vexing cypher amid whispers about gruesome executions and a rash of cases along the country's northern boundary.

According to Scott Snyder writing in Forbes, the North Korean leadership declared preventing the spread of the coronavirus as a matter of "national survival" and moved rapidly to close its borders during the early days of the outbreak. NK was actually one of the first countries to close its border with China, beating Russia by a few days.

Read more ....

More News On North Korea And Covid-19

Kim warns of 'serious consequences' if virus reaches North Korea -- AFP
Kim Jong Un warns of 'serious consequences' if coronavirus hits North Korea -- The Hill
Kim warns of 'serious consequences' if virus spreads to N Korea -- Al Jazeera


  1. Fat boy does not make it 2 years.

  2. Oh I think fat boy will be just fine. Can’t say the same for the rest of nork though.

  3. The problem with getting info from Zerohedge is they never cite any/reliable sources.

  4. Zero Hedge is one step above a Facebook post.

  5. A young man I know said, “Hopefully you’re dead before they throw you in the incinerator,”

  6. Zerohedge is very reliable.

    They cite Simon Black, International Man of Mystery. He had fraud charges against him in Singapore or Hong Kong.

    Readers hated him. He went away. ZH brought him back last year.

    They brought-on the Strategic Culture Foundation (SCF) a few years ago. SCF makes B Poster look like a Putin hater.

    If you replaced every SCF article in ZH with a post by Bob H. could you tell the difference?

  7. Lol Anon @941 gets it
    Other anon@635 funny too

  8. I am going to go out on a limb and say that Russ supports the 9:41 post like Anon 11:22 did.

    That would make 3 people, you think that the criticism is dead on accurate.

    The silver lining to the blogspot posting system is they are no like or dislike (no up or down votes). If there were you & bob would be so far negative, you would melt like snowflakes suddenly teleported to the surface of the Sol.

    You should be glad we have this system and not the DisQus system. Otherwise your incoherent, inchoate psyche would be squished by the opprobrium.

    I'll leave you with this. I think it explains your multitudinous problems quite well. Okay that is an understatement. It fits them to a 't'.

    "Sixty years ago, Cambridge scholar and physicist Charles Percy Snow delivered an influential lecture entitled “The Two Cultures,” which posited that intellectuals are divided into two distinct camps, Science and non-Science. There is some overlap, but it is nearly all by scientists who love music or literature, not by poets who love algebra. "

    Ya Da Best!

  9. Snow nonsense was more on track back then than currently...things have changed


  10. "things have changed"

    Sure, you are proof positive of that "Mr. I have an accountant for numbers".


  11. Bout to be a slew of executions in NK.
