Friday, February 28, 2020

Foreign Diplomats To Be Evacuated From North Korea

CNN: Foreign diplomats to be evacuated from North Korea as country steps up efforts to prevent virus outbreak

A plan is in the works to evacuate quarantined foreign diplomats from North Korea, a source inside the country has revealed, as concerns about the spread of the novel coronavirus grow.

North Korea has not confirmed a single case of the virus inside its borders, but global health experts have warned the country is highly susceptible to an outbreak given its close proximity to China and limited medical capabilities. Every other country in East Asia has confirmed numerous cases.

The German Embassy, French Cooperation Office, and Swiss Development Cooperation will close operations in the capital Pyongyang completely, said the source, who agreed to speak on the condition of anonymity, given the extreme sensitivity of the current situation.

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WNU Editor: All diplomats in North Korea are now under some form of quarantine, and from what I understand North Korea has imposed measures that has essentially shut down the entire country. In such an environment a diplomat cannot function. It is time to go home until this outbreak ends.


  1. How North Korea will “treat” those who contract WuFlu is too horrible to imagine: ineptitude coupled with brutality.

  2. Anon,

    So true. Certain governments are certainly milking the "WuFlu" hoax for all it's worth. They are getting practice in mass imprisonment (concentration camps) and, on top of this, kill a few hundred to a few thousand sufferers or even those who aren't but say they are in order to justify such actions.

    Thus far our media and many in leadership are accomplices in this. Is this deliberate malice on their part or are they simply useful idiots. Right now I tend to lean in the direction of useful idiots.
