Friday, February 28, 2020

North Korea Is 'Sitting' On Trillions Of Dollars.

Kim Jong-Un

Patricia Schouker, National Interest: Wanna Know Why Kim Jong-Un Is Smiling? He's 'Sitting' on Trillions of Dollars.

North Korea has a lot of wealth--just below the surface.

Key point: South Korea estimates the value of the mineral resources of its North Korean neighbor at $2,800 billion. In comparison, the GDP of South Korea was about 1,530,75 trillion in 2017.

When looking at contemporary geopolitics, often energy and related resource questions are key in the struggle for influence amongst world powers, as energy can drive or amplify underlying tensions. Today, the attractiveness of traditional oil exploration loses ground with the emergence of new energies and technologies, often produced by “Rare Earths” and the elements they contain.

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WNU editor: North Korea may have all of this mineral wealth, but it does not have the infrastructure, legal system, political stability, or business culture to pull it off.


  1. North Korea has mineral wealth when compared to South Korea

    South Korea has agricultural wealth when compared to North Korea.

    Every piece of land is valuable, you just have to figure out how.

    Fun Fact: the Eastern part of North Korea is where the Japanese based their Manhattan project.

    The Soviet communists made a bee line straight for it in 1945 and trucked away lots of stuff.

  2. So what. If you can't develop it nothing else matters. Just look at Venezuela.
