Saturday, February 29, 2020

U.S. Wants A Three-Way Arms Control Pact With Russia And China

DW: US seeks three-way arms control pact with Russia and China

Washington is pushing for talks with the Kremlin and Beijing on forming a pact. President Trump has already intimated he wants China to join the US and Russia in a fresh deal when the pair's current arrangement expires.

Missile launch in San Nicolas, United States (picture-alliance/dpa/Scott Howe/The Defense Department of the US)

The White House is trying to broker a three-way arms control pact with Russia and China, a senior administration official said Friday.

A proposed meeting between the three nations is expected to also include the leaders of Britain and France, the remaining countries that make up the so-called P5, the UN Security Council's five permanent members.

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WNU Editor: It's not going to happen. China has made it very clear that they are not interested .... China Is Not Interested In Doing Any Nuclear Missile Deal (February 17, 2019).


  1. China is not interested in an arms deal. The only alternative is for the USA to arm up sufficient to destroy China and its Army, Navy and Air Force. This is necessary because China is obviously preparing for conflict with the USA.
