Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Editor's Note

Just finishing up on a project right now. Blogging will return later this evening.

1 comment:

  1. If you walk along the river walk at Rock Island, you will see stenciled "Eat The Rich" spray painted in black. That and other messages have been there a long time before May 2020.

    OWS and other stuff never went away. It just subsided a little while before the next battle pulse.

    You cannot graduate 3+ million people every year and also bring in 3 to 4 million low skilled and high skilled people every year into a country and make it work.

    "About 3.7 million students are expected to graduate from high school during the 2019–20 school year, including 3.3 million students from public schools and 0.3 million from private schools (source)"


    Joe Biden has stated that Trump made a mistake in halting H1B visas. Insurance companies have trained music majors to be actuaries. If colleges do not graduate quite what you need, you can still make do with an internal company jobs program. State Farm and other insurance companies had a need for actuaries. There were not enough. They conducted studies and found that musicians were quite logical. So they started poaching.


    Point is that companies will actually train people or pay for a 1 few month to 2 years training period. Unless you allow them to flood the market with Indians and Chinese.

    The people who get hired away create a vacancy for say a highschool student and everyone starts going up the various ladders, at time switching ladders. That is unless politicians take donations from companies and open up the flood gates

    Joe Biden is in the same rarefied air as Senator Lee. He is bought and paid for. They are like slaves, who are slaves yet enjoy their position because the are advisors to emperors and sultans.

    Once you have 100% employment and people don't like their burger flipping job, you automate the job at some point. You keep the H1B tamped down and coax, induce and chase the flippers into on the job training, night school, tech school, or night school. The flipping job is just a 1st step.

    You have to tamp down on immigration. You can automate low paying jobs or through low immigration enable those jobs to pay more and thus be more palatable. You do this you do not have to argue about minimum wage. It becomes a moot point.
