Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Top U.S. Infectious Disease Expert Dr. Fauci Warns Spread 'Could Get Very Bad'

Daily Mail: Dr. Fauci predicts America will have 100,000 new coronavirus cases every DAY as number hits 40,000 'if things don't turn round' and warns 'it could get very bad'

* Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, testified that the U.S. could start seeing up to 100,000 infections each day
* There are currently about 40,000 infections each day
* But he warned Americans weren't practicing sufficient social distancing
* U.S. infection rates have spiked even as other nations saw theirs go down
* 'I think it's important to tell you and the American public that I'm very concerned because it could get very bad,' he testified Tuesday
* COVID-19 cases across the US increased by 46 percent in the week ending June 28, compared to the previous seven days, with the majority of rises in the West and South
* Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, the HELP Committee chairman, urged the president to wear a mask as an example
* Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders quizzed health experts on the idea of having the government distribute masks to every U.S. household
* Dr. Tony Fauci responded there was 'no doubt that wearing masks protects you and gets you to be protected'
* Fauci and other experts testified before the Senate committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions

Infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci issued a dire prediction about U.S. coronavirus infection rates Tuesday – saying as many as 100,000 Americans could become infected each day if the nation doesn't make urgent behavioral changes.

Fauci made the bleak prediction as new coronavirus cases surged 46 per cent amid new outbreaks in the south and west.

Diagnoses almost doubled last week with 31 states reporting an uptick in cases - as Arizona became the latest hot spot to reverse its reopening by closing bars and gyms.

COVID-19 cases across the US increased by 46 percent in the week ending June 28, compared to the previous seven days, with the majority of rises in the West and South of the country.

Nationally, new cases have consistently spiked every week for four straight weeks. Daily cases have been increasing to record highs of 40,000 in the past week - well above the initial surge of infections that were seen back in mid-April.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: There was nothing positive in his testimony today.

More News On Top U.S. Infectious Disease Expert Dr. Fauci's Senate Testimony Today

Fauci: US ‘going in wrong direction’ in coronavirus outbreak -- AP
Fauci says no guarantee U.S. will have effective COVID-19 vaccine, warns spread 'could get very bad' -- Reuters
Dr. Anthony Fauci says U.S. coronavirus outbreak is ‘going to be very disturbing,’ could top 100,000 new cases a day -- CNBC
Fauci warns Congress that new US coronavirus cases could rise to 100,000 a day -- CNN
Fauci: 'Too early to say' what caused coronavirus cases to surge in parts of US -- FOX News
Fauci warns U.S. could see 100,000 new coronavirus cases per day -- Axios
U.S. coronavirus cases rise by 47,000, biggest one-day spike of pandemic -- Reuters


  1. That doesn't surprise me. He has become a cultural icon of sorts revered by all with more raw power than even POTUS. He wants his power maintained.

    With the vaunted contact tracing we may have wandered into a trap of his making. Naturally we should have expected both numbers of positive cases and % positive to rise exponentially. Deliberately or not some state reopenings didn't account for the guaranteed exponential increases in percent positive tests.

    For abput a week new tests have been between 40K and 45K. I wouldn't expect this to change. Of course with increased contact tracing and testing we are now identifying the asymptomatic and those with mild symptoms who wouldn't have sought medical help. So perhaps positive tests could eventually reach 100K per day. Fauci has been elevated to cultural icon even cult leader!!

  2. Positive:

    Fauci has a job lockdown or no lockdown.

    Fauci has higher social status with a lockdown.


    Assuming the area under the curve is the same or nearly the same, the only reason to have a lockdown is to not overwhelm the hospitals.

    Healthcare system is ginned up now with PPE and therapeutics. In fact we demobilized. In fact the lockdown caused grave harm to the health care system.

    Asking the economy to wait for the end of a lockdown is like asking a person to hold their breath underwater for an indeterminate time. Neither ends well.

  3. Thanks to the filthy BLM festivals of hate and disease.

  4. Fauci is not very sophisticated. Or that is the best spin I can put on his actions.

    When conducting military threat assessments the DoD uses the best case scenario, the worst case scenario and the most likely scenario. It give a person a sense of the range or variability and the central tendency. The range would still give Fauci an opportunity to be an attention whore.

    Using this method is better than just giving the chicken little threat assessment, which we have seen wrong time after time. Remember 2.2 million deaths?

    Forecasters have a saying. All forecasts are wrong, but some are useful. A good forecast would be wrong in the long term, but in the short term it would have some relation to reality and there are measure as to how good a forecast is or was. We are getting none of that from the 'experts' or the j school grads. No, we just get a show that we don't pay for, which means we are the product.

  5. Русский тролль!
    Fauci культовый лидер? Вы облизываете приклад Путинина и называете кого-то по имени? Fauci - это авторитетный медицинский авторитет, который не подлежит сомнению, и ваши дурные слова о нем говорят о том, что вы работаете на Россию и являетесь посредственным идиотским крепостным болваном.

  6. is the will of god preach the truth in china and war
