Monday, June 1, 2020

Why Do Many Americans Feel It Necessary To Loot Their Cities?

WNU Editor: Good question. Everyone I know view the death of George Floyd as a horrific tragedy that demanded justice. It is also true that every political leader condemned the killing of George Floyd and demanded prompt action .... which is what happened. But something is wrong. Healthy societies do not act this way.


RussInSoCal said...

South MLPS gets it.

Amp1776 said...

Leftists continue to think they have a monopoly on morality...

Anonymous said...

CNN’s Lemon "Riots a ‘Mechanism for Restructure in Our Country’"

CNN’s Lemon: Riots a ‘Mechanism for Restructure in Our Country’ — ‘No Other Alternative but to Exhibit This Behavior’

"But something is wrong. Healthy societies do not act this way."

Yeah, it is race baiting politicians.

It is bad professors.

It is the mainstream media, which is an extension of the Democrat Party.

All of the above do not give good statistics consistently over a long period of time. They pick and choose their statistics. They will argue raw numbers if that helps them. they will argue percentages if that will help them, although they are very careful in the percentages they pick.

First this filth asserts that all police shooting are bad. There was a police shooting in my metro area in the last month. The black suspect died. No one protested. But let them protest. Next time the police get a shot spotter alert and get calls of a drive-by shooting up a house, they can take their time and not see any suspects.

Awhile back when the p[aid activists were creating a stink over Freddie Gray. Someone posted a pareto charts of black deaths and/or homicides. Police related shooting came in at 189 at the tail end of the chart.

Out of that 189 some are going to be by bad cops. Those will be in the single digits. Not good, but not an emergency for a country of 330 million people unless special interest groups make it so.

I expect cops to be a better grade than your average citizen. But I do not expect 0 mistakes or bad people in their ranks. Statistically it is impossible. Just like I do not expect 0 border crossing with a wall. I do expect illegal border crossing to go down by 90% or something like that.

Anonymous said...

The Minneapolis Disaster has Democrat Fingerprints All Over it.

Anonymous said...

Democrat Senator and Presidential Candidate Klobuchar had a shot at Derek Chauvin and she did
not take it.

So you can take this to the bank. She will not be Biden's pick for VP.

Of course Democrats being practised liars that they are will deny any allegations against her, while they scrub her name form the short list.

Anonymous said...

"Healthy society..."

When has America ever been a healthy society?

Stephen Davenport said...

The problem is they have let certain things and people fester ie Antifa. No one did anything about them until it was to late. Also Leftist politicians have been shaping this monster for decades in the cities.

Anonymous said...

'When has America ever been a healthy society?'

You so clever man. You da shit.

Are Russia, China, Indonesia, India, Egypt, Brasil healthy societies.

You are useful and as clever as a turd in a baby bottle.

Young Communist said...

And are the US a healthy society for everyone?

The answer is no.

Millions lives striving to come to the end of the month, in the neoliberist clash of capitals, suffering for years, now with a pandemic addiction, abandoned. The death of Floyd was only the last weight.

Anonymous said...

Italy Wow! such a place

Corona hit hard because everything is la vita dolce.

Corona has a higher death rate in socialist Italy than in capitalist USA.

I think you failed comrade.

Italy: 554 deaths per million
USA : 322 deaths per million

The USA only has such a high death rate, because Democrat governor purposefully placed infected people in nursing homes.

Now STFU comrade before you supervisor sings the form to ship you to Magadan camp.