Thursday, April 29, 2021

Is India's Covid-19 Strain Resistant To The Current Batch Of Vaccines?


Haaretz: Indian COVID Strain Spreads in Israel, Also Among Vaccinated 

Israel reports dozens of Indian COVID strain cases. The variant is of concern because it consist of two mutations of its protein, which could make it more resistant to the vaccine 

The Health Ministry has identified 41 new cases of the Indian coronavirus variant in Israel, including four in people who have been vaccinated against COVID-19. 

Israel's genomic sequencing system found that 24 of those infected with the variant, which experts say may be more contagious than other variants, had returned recently from abroad. The other 17 contracted it via community transmission, including five schoolchildren. The Health Ministry and the IDF Home Front Command are carrying out widespread testing at the schools where the children are enrolled. 

Twenty-one of the people who tested positive for the variant are foreign nationals. Last week, Israel banned entry to tourists from India over concerns about the variant's spread and the severe increase in cases there. As part of the new restrictions, only 300 Indian caregivers and students will be allowed to enter the country per month. They will be required to quarantine at coronavirus hotels designated for those coming from India, unless they have either recovered from or were vaccinated against COVID-19 in Israel.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: It is disturbing to read these news reports of people who have been vaccinated but are still getting sick with these new strains.


  1. We are now approaching the realm where these variants with their mutation characteristics and timing of appearance strongly implies outside intervention. It must be pointed out that the article uses conditional adjectives in all places.

  2. I just got my first dose of Moderna yesterday, should be about time that a new strain rolls in....

  3. We move from the UK to the South African to the Brasilian to the Indian panic porn.


  4. This is a disconcerting development. And we are still learning.

  5. Corona viruses change with the wind. Don't be surprised if this one with messed with by our friends in china

  6. Thanks China. Don’t forget the whirlwind though
