Sunday, September 26, 2021

Editor's Note

 Traveling today. Blogging will return this evening.


Anonymous said...

Australian citizens issue SOS message to the World
(or as Fazman put it "no mate, nothing happening here, mate, fake news mate, the lockdowns are good for you, mate..)

Anonymous said...

Cui bono? Democrats swoop to destroy the Space Force

Who is Indiana University professor and staunch Hillary supporter, Jean Camp.

It is said "Justice must be seen to be done". Some might argue that, if occasionally an innocent person gets convicted, it is the price that must be paid. Problem is that when you convict the wrong people, the one who really committed the crime are free to commit crimes again.

So the Clintons and associates are free to commit more crimes.

And the Russians? They are laughing their asses off. The FBI is chasing so many bogus investigations, Russian and otherwise, could they handle a legit investigation against Russian operatives? I have my doubts.

Anonymous said...

Are we going to have to shoot Republican[s] to reclaim our democracy?”

- Free Press, a well-funded liberal Soros backed group

They want to “reshape media”.

Anonymous said...

American Suicide: While China And Russia Expand Into Space, Dems Push To Abolish The U.S. Space Force


Anonymous said...

Patently False” – CNN’s Jake Tapper Calls Out Biden Admin For Lying About Mounted Border Patrol Agents in Texas (VIDEO)

Why is this important? Because Jake Tapper is party of Lapdog Media. Jake slipped on a banana peel, committed accidental journalism or the Biden handlers have gone too far even for the sycophants in the media.

Anonymous said...

Christian children in California aren’t allowed to pray in schools, but Muslim refugees are given halal food and provided prayer rooms.

Liberals hate religion. They ban school prayer and try to drive Christian clubs off campus. If not driving them off campus they try to dictate their membership. That is right dictate as in dictator or or fascist.

Anonymous said...

Dozens of Massachusetts State Troopers Resign Ahead of Deadline for State’s Mandatory Vaccine Mandate