Thursday, September 23, 2021

Europe's Energy Crisis Is About To Go Global The European Energy Crisis Is About To Go Global 

It was only a matter of time, really. In a globalized world, energy crunches can hardly remain regionally contained for very long, especially in a context of damaged supply chains and a rush to cut investment in fossil fuels. The energy crunch that began in Europe earlier this month may now be on its way to America. For now, all is well with one of the world's top gas producers. U.S. gas exporters have enjoyed a solid increase in demand from Asia and Europe as the recovery in economic activity pushed demand for electricity higher. According to a recent Financial Times report, there is a veritable bidding war for U.S. cargos of liquefied natural gas between Asian and European buyers—and the Asians are winning.

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WNU Editor: This is how bad it is in Europe .... Europe is paying record prices for energy. A winter crisis looms (CNN).


  1. Sssssssssssshhhhhhhhhh! Don't ell X or G or any of the other idiotic sock puppets. They are snowflakes and devout discipline green energy and global warming.

    WUWT has been following this. The dim bulbs at Wired Magazine are slowly ever so slowly catching on.

    8 hours ago

    Looming European energy crisis: A lesson in averages that won’t soon be forgotten

    3 days ago

    Missing wind variability means future impacts of climate change may be underestimated in Europe and North America

    Record Power Prices & Blackouts Hit Germany

    Stupid bitch is leaving power and the door is hitting her on her very sizable ass. Energy policy is one of the reasons the CDC will lose power and all because after Fukashima Das Merkel spooked like a herd animal.

    Tired pf listening to idiots or liars regale us as to how China is not building anymore coal plants. They are braindead or they are liars.

  2. The Euros are doing their part to curb "global warming" - no wait, that's the summer definition. I mean the Euros are doing their part to curb "climate change" - the winter definition for this idiocy.

    By destroying their economies and livelihoods. Pretty soon they'll be burning their currency for warmth.

  3. Clearly Biden has work to do if the US is still supplying anybody with greenhouse energy. He needs to find this leak and stop it, darn it. Let us unite, comrades, and march bravely into that shiny carbon-free energy future that the globalists and Lib-tards insist on creating by any means necessary.
